Mistakes were made…
Sorry if you received the “cannot parse…” email. I have been writing a script to automate the processing and sending of the newsletter. I used the “/emails/“ end point rather than the “/drafts/“ endpoint and accidentally sent an email (hopefully only the one). Should’ve let ChatGPT write it for me.
Currently I write in Bear.app, “copy as Markdown,” then run a Pythonista script to clean up the twitter URLs and do some other formatting. Then I login to the newsletter site and create an email and paste and … so on.
I chose buttondownemail partially because it has an API and today I finally wrote the Python script to automate the entire process.
My new workflow is: write in Bear.app, copy as md, run Pythonista script, send garbage email to everyone because I made a mistake in the script.
Tomorrow’s workflow won’t have that last step…
Thank you for your patience.