
Persistence technique thanks to a dumb bug.

Twitter avatar for @jzvw
Jasper @jzvw
Interesting read at arxiv.org/abs/2205.06114 by @naehrdine et al on persistence in always-on chips. My main surprise is that the BLE firmware image is not signature checked by the BLE core. Signature verification is table stakes; I guess some engineering/$ trade-off took place.


Save time by skipping stupid tests.

Twitter avatar for @AlyssaM_InfoSec
👑 Alyssa Miller 🦄 (Speaking @WWHackinFest 5/5) @AlyssaM_InfoSec
PRO TIP: Tired of those KnowBe4 Phishing test emails your infosec team sends you all the time? Setup an Outlook rule to find "X-Phishtest" in the headers and put them in a separate folder.

Yes I'm serious.

I've got plenty more #infosec circumvention tips. 😈😈

Twitter avatar for @AlyssaM_InfoSec
👑 Alyssa Miller 🦄 (Speaking @WWHackinFest 5/5) @AlyssaM_InfoSec
PRO TIP: Want to defeat the screen timeout but your IT team blocked you from changing it? Run a power point slide show in Windowed mode and just minimize it out of the way. Works on both Mac and Windows.

You're welcome.

Hit me up for more #infosec circumvention tips. 😈😈


Some interesting history.

Twitter avatar for @cecrawford_
Christina E. Crawford 🇺🇦 @cecrawford_
I was curious about the architectural history of #AzovStal, so I pulled out this 1935 Soviet publication on industrial building. Azovstal (right) was begun around 1930, @ the end of the first Five-Year Plan (FFYP). It was modeled on the Gary, Indiana (USA) steel plant (left). 🧵
Technical drawings of two steel plants from the 1930s: Gary, Indiana and Azovstal.


Twitter avatar for @PhilJamesson
phil @PhilJamesson
i never should have gone back to school


Twitter avatar for @fanf
Tony Finch @fanf
i don’t fancy debugging this
a backplane from the Z31 computer from 1962, thin wires in different colours strung densely in all directions across about 1m x 30cm



Twitter avatar for @medus4_cdc
Katelyn Bowden @medus4_cdc
Found this at a garage sale for $5


Good analytic thread.

Twitter avatar for @DAlperovitch
Dmitri Alperovitch @DAlperovitch
Interesting piece on how it wasn’t the NATO expansions of the 90s but US-led action against Iraq and in the Balkans that eventually drove US-Russia relationship off the cliff

But here is what I think the author is missing… 🧵 https://t.co/Kmajq5mEna

Twitter avatar for @WarOnTheRocks
War on the Rocks @WarOnTheRocks
Looking at how Russian leaders have reacted to U.S. actions around the world over the past 30 years clarifies the vexed question of whether NATO expansion prompted Russian aggression https://t.co/BObXiwgEWe


Twitter avatar for @drewtoothpaste
drewtoothpaste @drewtoothpaste
companies programmed us to refer to art, music, video, and writing as "content" to make it seem like it comes from the website and not from a person who had to think of it and make it

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