
Microsoft says relay attack vulnerability is actually a feature, WONTFIX. Developer releases PoC.

Twitter avatar for @GossiTheDog
Kevin Beaumont @GossiTheDog
Not sure people have realised how much of a dumpster fire this one is.

One Year Later…

Microsoft has fixed a “new” relay attack vulnerability!

Twitter avatar for @GossiTheDog
Kevin Beaumont @GossiTheDog
New is doing a lot of heavy lifting here... and it shouldn't be. Also, I'm not sure how this got a new CVE.


Twitter avatar for @6thgrade4ever
Druthers Haver @6thgrade4ever
the most consequential figures in the tech world are half guys like steve jobs and bill gates and half some guy named ronald who maintains a unix tool called 'runk' which stands for Ronald's Universal Number Kounter and handles all math for every machine on earth

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