Twitter avatar for @BrandyBeansH
brandon @BrandyBeansH
Jerry: We only need to be lucky once! George: She's gotta be lucky every time, Jerry! Every time!
Twitter avatar for @PrayForPatrick
Patrick @PrayForPatrick
away out for the day

Information warfare!

Twitter avatar for @mattblaze
matt blaze @mattblaze
All war is hell, and the war in Ukraine especially so, but the battle of the projection spotlights at the Russian ambassador's official DC residence may be a rare exception.
Twitter avatar for @benjaminwittes
Benjamin Wittes @benjaminwittes

The intelligence war was thoroughly lost by the FSB.

Twitter avatar for @thetimes
The Times @thetimes
President Putin has sidelined Russia’s spymasters on operations in Ukraine and replaced them with military intelligence chiefs, including a former special forces officer believed to be behind the Salisbury poisoning

Always interesting to see what the official line is

Twitter avatar for @AlecMuffett
Alec Muffett @AlecMuffett
"We want a backdoor, but we don't want just anyone to be able to use it. Only us good guys."

Every tweet is better than the last

Twitter avatar for @QuinnyPig
Corey Quinn @QuinnyPig
I've been in this industry for decades, I have a massive chip on my shoulder, and I lack the energy to care about anything anymore.

Oh, and I'm your next interview candidate. You will Remember® this interview. I will NOT be the most uncomfortable person here. Let's begin.

Twitter avatar for @QuinnyPig
Corey Quinn @QuinnyPig
For a later thread: please reply to this tweet with questions interviewers have asked prospective candidates. Good, bad, red flags, things you wish you had a better answer for, etc.

I'm working on a Thing.

Crypto. Scam. Fraud. Pick two.

Crypto. Scam. Fraud. Pick three.

If you type into a text field in a form on a website, the content is very likely to be collected by that site. If you are surprised by this, then contact me about exciting opportunities to own the Brooklyn Bridge.


The main target: Ukraine.

My latest for @POLITICOMag, on this forgotten—and failed—mission:

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