Twitter avatar for @ASPertierra
Andrés Pertierra @ASPertierra
On here it’s really common to accuse various actors and movements of being entirely cynical operators, and in some cases that’s true,

A more horrifying reality is that most actors are largely sincere because their belief system hides their self-interest even from themselves


Twitter avatar for @vxunderground
vx-underground @vxunderground
In the year 2023 you have both Whitehat and Blackhat training courses.

SANS Training Course: $4,000 - $9,000 Bassterlord (National Hazard Agency) Course: $10,000

*Bassterlord is a known Lockbit affiliate



Twitter avatar for @jadefh
Jen Miller Osborn @jadefh
Twitter avatar for @_whatshisface
Adam Pennington @_whatshisface
Tweet a random photo from your phone with no explanation.


Twitter avatar for @jayleophillips
JLP @jayleophillips
You fucked up your life!! You didn’t spend your money on the right products!!!!!! You’re fucked for good now!!


Twitter avatar for @durumcrustulum
Deirdre Connolly¹ ² @durumcrustulum


Twitter avatar for @durumcrustulum
Deirdre Connolly¹ ² @durumcrustulum
"network equipment is just mis-configured" 😭




Twitter avatar for @halvarflake
Halvar Flake @halvarflake
As a young man, I was convinced advances in theory drive advances in practice. The reality is that it is almost always the other direction.
Twitter avatar for @ylecun
Yann LeCun @ylecun
When empirical evidence clashes with a theory, it is the theory that is wrong (or misinterpreted), not the universe. The well-documented initial resistance of many ML theorists to deep learning was due to complete theory-fueled disbelief: this can't possibly work!

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