Some highlights:

Twitter avatar for @mdmitri91
Dmitri 🇺🇦 @mdmitri91
published - for instance, a few weeks ago in one of his daily livestreams the Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Aleksey Arestovych mentioned the intercepted calls from the first days of war he was given to listen where apparently Russian soldiers...
Twitter avatar for @mdmitri91
Dmitri 🇺🇦 @mdmitri91
were so brazen and confident in their upcoming victory they were calling restaurants in Kyiv booking tables for whole brigades and regiments - one call mentioned "reserving a table for 1,500 people" in one of Kyiv's popular cafeterias. Obviously, it was a troll call from the...


Enjoy a virtual tour of the RSA conference expo floor.

Twitter avatar for @QuinnyPig
Corey Quinn @QuinnyPig
Having spent an hour or so walking the floor of @RSAConference, it's rather clear that #RSAC's not about security learning, but rather about selling security in a box. As @mattstratton famously said in a talk once, "you can't buy DevOps but I sure would like to sell it to you."


Twitter avatar for @emollick
Ethan Mollick @emollick
Science fictional organization structures, a 🧵

Any organization, has to answer 3 questions: 🏭Division of labor: who specializes in what? 👩‍⚖️Decision rights: who makes decisions & when? 🤝Coordination: how do we handle supervision & procedures?

The org chart 👇answers these 1/

Twitter avatar for @emollick
Ethan Mollick @emollick
The first org chart was made for the New York & Erie Railroad in 1854, solving issues of control & coordination in ways we still use. Not only is it full of plant-inspired beauty, it also combines a map of the physical railroad & one of company structure.


Twitter avatar for @ajcboyd
Andy Boyd @ajcboyd
Articles like this, and some recent books, extolling the dominance of open source are becoming tedious. Too many authors at best only partially understand that of which they speak. Good secret intelligence agencies, certainly those of UK, have always paid close attention to/1
Twitter avatar for @Sandbagger_01
Dr. Dan Lomas @Sandbagger_01


Twitter avatar for @joshuaackerman
josh ackerman @joshuaackerman
i have thought about this hacker news comment nearly every day since november ninth twenty seventeen


Twitter avatar for @JohnLyonTweets
John Lyon @JohnLyonTweets
Sorry I wrote "harvest organs" on your chart when I visited you in the hospital.


Telegram is pretty sure that the thread on an exploited vulnerability is a hoax.

Twitter avatar for @telegram
Telegram Messenger @telegram
An anonymous account made a baseless claim that they were able to access the contents of private group chats on Telegram. No such vulnerability has ever been found. This is likely a hoax with the intent to get users to download malware.


Twitter avatar for @giantcat9
Giant Military Cats @giantcat9
A view of Checkpoint Charlie in 1963, from the American sector


Twitter avatar for @StephenMTurton
Stephen Turton @StephenMTurton
The romantic tension between these two is off the charts.


Twitter avatar for @dellcam
dell cameron @dellcam
fascists interrupting drag shows is nothing new
Twitter avatar for @oliharris808
Oliver Harris @oliharris808
British Soldiers (interrupted during drag show rehearsals by a German raid) manning a BL 6-inch Mk VII naval gun at Shornemead Fort, England in 1940


NSA is very upset that someone read the Snowden leaks as a guide.

Twitter avatar for @NSACyber
NSA Cyber @NSACyber


Twitter avatar for @KimZetter
Kim Zetter @KimZetter
China was responsible for exploiting 10% of all zero days that were exploited in 2021 - the most of any threat actor tracked, says @JumpforJoyce
Twitter avatar for @ILDannyMoore
Daniel Moore @ILDannyMoore
@KimZetter @JumpforJoyce Churning through that many exploits in a year is on one hand a show of competence on acquiring exploits, but it's also operationally lazy and wasteful


Twitter avatar for @mattifestation
Matt Graeber @mattifestation
Thanks to all @reconmtl who attended my talk on abusing the features of ELAM drivers in order to run arbitrary code as a protected process. The slides and a defanged abuse script are posted here.

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