June 5, 2022
I often think about this (now deleted) @johnregehr tweet:
C is awesome because it defers problems to runtime, at which point people might not be able to find me.
How to exploit the confluence 0day.
Thread - Confluence Blind OGNL Injection analysis from our limited java knowledge. From vulnerable sink to becoming admin of the confluence instance. #CVE-2022-26134. Tested on latest vulnerable version 7.18.0.
If you want to have a simple private Tor-alike system, this seems like a good starting place.
UPnProxyChain: a Tool to Exploit Devices Vulnerable to UPnProxy
nmap -sU -p 1900 —script=upnp-info <target>
And if you want to fuck with the above:
In completely unrelated news, for the first time the Russia authorities are saying something in public about the last three months of non stop hacking.
Russia will make executives personally liable for cyber/information security. "it has been pentesting (finding vulnerabilities for a reward by “white hackers”) by the whole world for 3 months now". The government is aware of the recent "free audits" ... gazeta.ru/tech/2022/05/3…
Crypto. Scam. Fraud. (Strong, “and nothing of value was lost” vibe)
Seems because Community Manager @BorisVagner got his account breached, which let the scammers execute their phishing attack. Over 145E in was stolen Proper permissions could prevent this-
Horrifying out of Microsoft. The false positive rate won't be exactly pretty...
I wouldn't be surprised if this results in quite some communications in affected orgs being moved to other channels...
These are prime examples of what happens when you develop a piece of technology without stopping to think how it could be misused.
Longhorn @never_released
This is excellent.
We memorized phone numbers. We memorized driving directions. No one knew what we looked like. No one could reach us. We were gods.
UAV records itself getting shot down.
Is exploiting a NULL pointer deref for LPE just a pipe dream?
Very cool Windows vuln-dev blog post by @izobashi
As old Shakespeare (W) nearly put it, some are born misfortunate, some achieve misfortune, and others have misfortune thrust upon them.
And sailing into the heart of the Venn diagram of unfortunate outcomes, albeit just a little bit late, comes Vice Admiral John Nevell.
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