
Twitter avatar for @Horizon3Attack
Horizon3 Attack Team @Horizon3Attack
Check out a recent finding by one of our own, Naveen Sunkavally. CVE-2022-28219 is an unauth RCE for ManageEngine ADAudit Plus.

This XXE -> Deserialization chain often leads to host compromise as well as priv'd AD creds. Check out the blog post and POC:


Twitter avatar for @adschina
Adam Segal @adschina
More attribution from Global Times and private security firm:

Exclusive: US plants Trojan horse programs in hundreds of important Chinese information systems; new cyber weapon targets China, Russia

Technical write up (Chinese):


English here





We can now add that Paul K is Paul Krusky, based on emails, more



FBI warning about deepfakes being used to mask ppl applying for jobs.





The Kaliningrad trouble, that is a European country blocking Russia’s access because of sanctions, is also an issue in Scandinavia. Yay!

Russia is a signatory of the Spitsbergen treaty from 1920 that makes Svalbard part of Norway, but guarantees some rights for residents of the Svalbard archipelago (way up in the arctic.) Now the Russians are upset about the way that Norway is apply sanctions.



Click me…! The influence of clickbait on user engagement in social media and the role of digital nudging





Twitter avatar for @cushbomb
matt christman @cushbomb
The American version of finding a Roman bath while digging up a Tesco car park. https://t.co/JOvAMOaMXN
Twitter avatar for @RealJezebelley
Jeze3D.exe v2.2.1 @RealJezebelley
A fully intact vintage Burger King was found behind a wall at the Concord Mall in Wilmington, DE. This photo was snapped by Jonathon Pruitt April of 2022. https://t.co/G3V3SnJM3J


Twitter avatar for @ellx_tt
elliott @ellx_tt
oh no :(


Twitter avatar for @Doctrine_Man
Doctrine Man @Doctrine_Man
"Join Space Force!" they said. "It'll be the adventure of a lifetime."


Twitter avatar for @kieransofar
kie @kieransofar
woah apple, spoilers


First time an officer of 8200 has spoken to the public that was not an announcement for a startup!

VIDEO — it was here but has been made private.

I’m wondering what it means to have 70% of your force under 23yr old. Firstly, it means that they’re all 22.95. But what does it mean to have cyber without deep experience? Maybe that’s good for a high friction environment where new techniques are needed constantly. Idk, I’m biased towards old age and treachery.


Twitter avatar for @Metlstorm
Metlstorm @Metlstorm
The more things change 😭 https://t.co/lDyDIhyocq
Twitter avatar for @Metlstorm
Metlstorm @Metlstorm
Jeez the @kawaiiconnz hackers may be all cutesy-wutesey but they still have no mercy .... a unrinal. Who hacks a urinal? URINALS WITH CAMERAS AND TEAMVIEWER!?

And I thought last year was a dystopian hellscape. Save us #kawaiicon #purplecon SAVE US HECKING PLZ https://t.co/CMhkCFsEXI

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