June 18, 2022



GNOME has no thumbnails in the file picker (and my toilets are blocked)
GNOME filepicker and my toilets are broken because of culture of mediocrity.
Gustav. The pigeon who carried the first report on the D-Day landings.
The challenges Gustav encountered during his journey were real and substantial. The climate that day was unfavorable for flying. A fierce headwind was blowing at 30 to 50 mph, making for stiff resistance. The sun was shrouded by clouds, a major issue for homing pigeons, as they use the sun to help find their way. German-trained hawks and sharpshooters were also in the area, searching for pigeons flying overhead. But Gustav rose to the occasion. Flying non-stop over 150 miles for 5 hours and 16 minutes, Gustav entered his loft on Thorney Island at 1:46 pm.
Officials immediately telephoned London with the news. This despatch was the first report received in Britain of the Normandy landings.

Gustav: D-Day’s Finest Pigeon – Pigeons of War
This past Monday was the 78th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy, popularly known as D-Day. A monumental achievement, the invasion changed the course of World War II, laying the g…
I promise, I don't care whether the S3 bucket I'm pulling data from is in Ohio, Jakarta, or Frankfurt; my experience is identical.

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