June 16, 2022
Crazy story of the Indian police and hacking and all.


Cyber Shield 2022 features ‘large man in a ghillie suit’ hacking
A seven-foot tall man took ‘Incognito mode’ to a new level by wearing a ghillie suit to the military's Cyber Shield 2022 exercise.
Russian spy evicted from the Netherlands. Be sure to check out the PDF which contains his entire cover story, probably written by himself to help him memorise and review.
The Russian intelligence officer purported to be Brazilian citizen Viktor Muller Ferreira (born on 4 April 1989), when in fact his real name is Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov (born 11 September 1985). Cherkasov used a well-constructed cover identity by which he concealed all his ties with Russia in general, and the GRU in particular.

AIVD disrupts activities of Russian intelligence officer targeting the International Criminal Court | News item | AIVD
The AIVD prevented a Russian intelligence officer from gaining access as an intern to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The person in question works for the Russian Military Intelligence Service GRU, but he used a Brazilian cover identity to travel from Brazil to the Netherlands.
Full details of his cover story are included here:


Victory reimagined: Toward a more cohesive US cyber strategy - Atlantic Council
US policy is on two potentially divergent paths: one that prioritizes the protection of American infrastructure through the pursuit of US cyber superiority, and one that seeks an open, secure cyber ecosystem.
And Dave Aitel’s review
CyberSecPolitics: The Atlantic Council Paper and Defending Forward
Paper linked here . One thing I liked about the new Cyber Statecraft paper is it had some POETRY to the language for once! Usually these thi...

The criminal concealed their iconic motifs & brand name as generic products in our store while promoting the fakes on social media—and was caught. https://t.co/0yIQIhfxAv