
Twitter avatar for @bascule
Tony "Abolish ICE" Arcieri 🦀🌹 @bascule
<img class="tweet-photo" src="https://pbs.substack.com/media/FXEg0zpVsAQw56F.jpg" alt="We have successfully recovered the secret key corresponding to the public key with address 84cJso7keg6SHW4vbNVbXccimCZrz7WoESXTtw12b5UsWqmm5. This address is one of the wealthiest on the chain with a balance of 9M ABC. There is only one address with a higher balance, but as it has no outgoing transactions, we don't know the public key.

The private key was recovered within a few hours of wall-clock time using a slightly tweaked version of Ward Beullens' attack software (which in turn makes use of Ruben Niederhagen's XL implementation).

The forged signature for the message "There is no pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow." (ASCII) is "TqERiKoFpkDEOEUGrq2WfH/XvTxP8dzbUxUpD1UyTUyLnVUaZcqW9IV+bTLIuamWS+XVKFcslYHLnxNcjcjnCA==" (Base64)" loading="lazy">


Twitter avatar for @cybergibbons
Cybergibbons @cybergibbons
One of my favourite physical access jobs to a datacenter involved toilets.

Let me explain.

I needed to gain access from the less-secure side of a sub basement floor to the more-secure side.

General office space to data centre.



“without” (ignore the typo, this is the best take)


Five Individuals Indicted for Crimes Related to Transnational Repression Scheme to Silence Critics of the People's Republic of China Residing in the United States

Defendants Include Federal Law Enforcement Officer and Private Investigator Who Lied to FBI Agents and Obstructed Justice



Another user land rootkit. Again, people, this stuff is not impossible to detect. It fails if you use busybox to hunt for it.

I wrote about this last month.

The Info Op
Userland Rootkits are Lame
Many people may not know this, but fifteen…twenty years ago I knew a thing or two about rootkit development. I wrote detection software for a few years as well. Back then modifying the shared libraries on the disk was also vector for userland rootkits…
Read more






Roundup of Secure Messengers with Off-The-Grid Capabilities (Distributed/Mesh Messengers)


The Hidden Drawbacks of P2P (And a Defense of Signal)


Detecting Deepfake Video Calls Through Monitor Illumination -




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