July 10, 2022
ported idapython IDA-VMware-GDB by @d_olex to python3 + idapython 7.4. Helper script for Windows kernel debugging with IDA Pro on VMware + GDB stub (including PDB symbols): github.com/therealdreg/id…
There's psychic debugging, and then there's this
Every startup website wants you to think their datacenter is an underwater möbius strip off the Virginia seaboard named HyperSex1 where technicians control remote bodies like in Avatar because the atmosphere is a heavy water subzero refrigerant slurry impregnated with tetraoxygen
Danylo claims that he first gained access to computer systems used by what would become the #Conti syndicate in 2016.
travel teaches you a lot about the world. in my case, I've learned that humans are universally bad at designing shower controls
Any person in need of an abortion now also needs to consider their digital privacy and security plan. Here are some tips:
Everything on modern AD attacks.
https://zer1t0.gitlab.io/posts/attacking_ad/#more-on-trusts https://github.com/Orange-Cyberdefense/arsenal/blob/master/mindmap/pentest_ad.png-
I smell a hacker.-
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