
Twitter avatar for @Offensive_Cyber
Offensive Cyber Working Group @Offensive_Cyber
In May 2022, @Offensive_Cyber hosted a workshop at #CyCon2022 (hosted by @ccdcoe) on 'Crafting a democratic and responsible cyber power?'.

@DrAndrewDwyer has now produced a report on the workshop on its contested & diverse interpretations.


Twitter avatar for @0xor0ne
0xor0ne @0xor0ne


Twitter avatar for @thezdi
Zero Day Initiative @thezdi


Twitter avatar for @JonErlichman
Jon Erlichman @JonErlichman
Nokia started as a paper mill in 1865.

One of its first products: toilet paper.





5G Networks Are Worryingly Hackable - IEEE Spectrum


Blind Exploits to Rule WatchGuard Firewalls





PowerUp is a collection of productivity utilities, disassembly and decompilation tools for multiple languages and platforms.

.NET centric





Her: Wherever you pick is fine.

Narrator: Wherever he picked was not fine.


Twitter avatar for @saidelike
Cedric Halbronn @saidelike
Twitter avatar for @thezdi
Zero Day Initiative @thezdi
Announcing #Pwn2Own Toronto 2022! Phones, Routers, Automation Hubs, Smart Speakers, & NAS devices all return as targets. And introducing the SOHO Smashup! More than $1,000,000 in prizes available. Read all the details at https://t.co/3Fck9MNhSE #P2OToronto

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