
Twitter avatar for @DestryBrod
Destry @DestryBrod
To the lady at Costco with her son on a leash. I'm sorry that I asked if he was a rescue.

The profanity wasn't necessary but thank you for not siccing him on me.


Twitter avatar for @0xdea
raptor@infosec.exchange @0xdea
We put GPT-4 in Semgrep to point out false positives & fix code

“We added GPT-4 to our cloud service to ask which findings matter before we notify developers. We also tried to have it automatically fix these findings, and its output is often correct.”


Twitter avatar for @coryandtreezy
🌲🥦☭ Treezy the Magnanimous 707er ☭🌉🌉 @coryandtreezy
it may be one of my more controversial legal opinions but if you steal something larger than a very large man and no one catches you in the act of doing it or transporting it or hiding it, you should not be able to be charged with a crime
Twitter avatar for @realweirdsickos
real weird sickos @realweirdsickos


Twitter avatar for @mintynet
Ian Tabor @mintynet


Twitter avatar for @shashj
Shashank Joshi @shashj
🧵 Yesterday we published my interview with the commander of the National Cyber Force (economist.com/britain/2023/0…), timed w/ publication of its paper "Responsible Cyber Power in Practice". I wanted to share a few more highlights of the interview, which I couldn't fit into the piece.
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Shashank Joshi @shashj
Today the National Cyber Force publishes a doctrine, "Responsible Cyber Power in Practice" & publicly avows its commander, GCHQ's James Babbage. Below, my interview with him. We discussed NCF's "doctrine of cognitive effect" & offensive cyber more broadly https://t.co/JQBqokoyQf
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Shashank Joshi @shashj
3/ One example of that is shift in framing of cyber. In middle of last decade was "red button": big effect at key moment, or retaliatory option. Even the National Offensive Cyber Programme (NOCP), initiated in 2014, was about developing "slightly red-button-like" capabilities.
Twitter avatar for @shashj
Shashank Joshi @shashj
7/ Another e.g. of learning is how cyber integrates w/ military. In "early years", says Babbage, it was assumed offensive cyber would be delivered via "fighting platforms" at tactical level. Now "we're tending to find more utility for cyber [at] operational and theatre level"
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Shashank Joshi @shashj
Twitter avatar for @shashj
Shashank Joshi @shashj
11/ Obvious, perhaps, but cyber power depends on leveraging dependencies of target. Babbage: "the more distant they are in geography and the more dependent they are on cyber and digital technologies to communicate at all, then the stronger the power of cyber." C4ISR = leverage.
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Shashank Joshi @shashj
Twitter avatar for @shashj
Shashank Joshi @shashj
23/ Persistent engagement has downsides, too: a sort of cyber innoculation. "We're cautious about offering strength training for adversaries...it's about the cognitive impact [&] you definitely need to engage persistently, but you need to be thoughtful about the long term impact"


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