April 30, 2022
Long “known,” but now an established fact.

Just something to think about. Words matter.

What’s in a Name: The Problem with “Warfighter” – The Angry Staff Officer
Back in the late 1990s, when the Army was being all that it could be, the Army began leaning into the concept that soldiers should think of themselves as “warriors” in order to increase…
The Glasshouse Session of April 29, 2022 with special guest Kim Zetter is now available on YouTube.
More vulns.

A write up on defeating blurred image censorship with AI (first mentioned in the April 26, 2022 newsletter)

Awesome hackery on Apple silicon. Which is cool.

Crypto. Exploit. Millions lost. etc etc
👇Here's the one sample exploit TXs etherscan.io/tx/0x0742b138a…