Good RUSI report

Twitter avatar for @RUSI_org

A philosophical discussion on threat actors and intelligence

Twitter avatar for @EHaeghebaert
Emiel Haeghebaert @EHaeghebaert
A colleague recently raised “the Ship of Theseus” as an apt analogy for attribution of cyber operations over time. The thought experiment asks: if a ship in a harbor has all its parts replaced one by one, can we still consider it the same ship? On this paradox, a brief 🧵 1/8

Crypto and lost money, except this time it’s not a scam!

Twitter avatar for @0xfoobar
foobar @0xfoobar
$34 million, or 11,539 eth, is permanently locked into the AkuDreams contract forever. It cannot be retrieved by individual users or by the dev team.

The refund processing, which is complete, sets each bid status to 1.


Propaganda is bad, but telling your side of the story is good.

The NYT looks at the other half of the cyberwar around Ukraine. The part where Russia is being ravaged.

DJI drones are glitching out for Ukrainians but not, apparently, for Russians. The Ukrainians are replacing theirs with American drones. On the plus side, this means that blasting out DJI attacks will only impact Russia forces.

Just say no to user mode hooks.

Twitter avatar for @ptracesecurity
Ptrace Security GmbH @ptracesecurity

Just some windows hackery.

Twitter avatar for @CyberWarship
Florian Hansemann @CyberWarship

The cyberwar apparently features a lot of successful defence operations. The Russian attacks fail, nothing makes the news, and so the pundits continue to downplay cyber.

Twitter avatar for @dsszzi
SSSCIP Ukraine @dsszzi
In 2022, #Sandworm hackers targeted two waves of attacks towards an oblenergo. The same attack from the same organization in 2015 made #Ukraine️ the first country in the world that suffered a powerful blackout due to a #cyberattack #cyberwar
Twitter avatar for @dsszzi
SSSCIP Ukraine @dsszzi
The #cyberattacks were being attempted constantly since mid-February. Overall, since the full-scale war began there have been about 50 attacks that could have left a massive number of civilians without electricity. #Ukraine #UkraineRussianWar #WARINUKRAINE #cyberwar

The infowar is really interesting these days. Lots more manipulation of original content.

Twitter avatar for @EliotHiggins
Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins

An awesome demonstration of OSINT investigation.

Twitter avatar for @brechtcastel
Brecht Castel @brechtcastel
🇺🇦 Ukrainian soldier: "We had orders to shoot to kill at any moving person, whether it was peaceful or not."

1.2M have seen this testimony on #YouTube.

May we take this interview as true? Investigate! 👇 1/...

#OSINT 🔎 #Verification 🎥 #GeoLocation 🌍 #HowToOSINT 🧐


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