GraphQL-Ruby Newsletter
GraphQL-Ruby 2.4 Update
December 4, 2024
Hey Everyone, I recently shipped GraphQL-Ruby v2.4 to RubyGems and I’m writing to let you know what’s new since my last email: Development: GraphQL-Ruby now...
GraphQL-Ruby 2.2 Update
January 3, 2024
Hey Everyone, I recently released GraphQL-Ruby 2.2 to RubyGems, and since it includes some improvements I'm especially excited about, I thought I'd send out...
Performance improvements in GraphQL-Ruby 2.0.x
August 6, 2023
Hi Everyone, This year, I've been working with folks at Shopify to improve the performance of query execution in GraphQL-Ruby. I made lots of little changes...
GraphQL-Ruby 2.0 Update
March 20, 2022
Hey Everyone, Just a little note to let you know that GraphQL-Ruby 2.0 is ready for you on RubyGems! I first released it about six weeks ago -- thanks to...
GraphQL-Ruby 1.13.0 Update
November 28, 2021
Hey everyone, I recently released GraphQL-Ruby 1.13.0, so I thought I'd share a little update. Here are the biggest changes in this release: null: true (for...
GraphQL-Ruby 1.12 Update
February 14, 2021
Hi everyone, You'll find some fresh GraphQL-Ruby releases on the shelves, and I thought I'd let you know what's new: GraphQL-Ruby 1.12 has a handful of...
GraphQL-Ruby Update
July 31, 2020
Hi Everyone, I hope this update finds you well, or at least hanging in there, one way or another. Here's what's new in GraphQL-Ruby since February (an...
GraphQL-Ruby 1.10 is out!
February 18, 2020
Hi! GraphQL-Ruby 1.10 is fresh off the press! It's been out for a couple of weeks, and thanks to some early adopters, we've smoothed out a lot of kinks. The...
What's new in GraphQL-Ruby 1.9...
March 7, 2019
Hi! GraphQL 1.9 is ready for take-off! I've been working on these features since last summer and I'm excited to release them. Here's some of what you'll find...
Built-in authorization in graphql-ruby 1.8+
September 4, 2018
Hi! GraphQL 1.8.0 introduced a new class-based API for building your schema. Did you know that since then, 1.8 has also gotten built-in authorization?...
GraphQL 1.8 awaits you!
June 18, 2018
Hi again! I'm writing to share that GraphQL 1.8 is released and ready for prime time! Big thanks to the folks who tried it out during prerelease and in its...
GraphQL 1.8 is coming!
April 15, 2018
Hi! A new version of GraphQL is just around the corner. Version 1.8.0 will be a big one because it contains a new class-based API for defining your schema...
subscription GraphQLRuby { newsletter }
October 10, 2017
Hi! graphql-ruby 1.7 is out in the wild, and here are some new goodies to try out: GraphQL::Subscriptions, an early implementation of subscriptions, with a...
Upcoming Hack Day & Gem Updates!
August 1, 2017
Hello! Mark your calendars for the upcoming GraphQL-Ruby Hack Day! It will be held on Friday, August 25, in Amsterdam. You can RSVP on the Meetup page and...
GraphQL 1.5.3 contains an important security fix for 1.5.x, 1.4.x is not vulnerable
March 19, 2017
Hi! This weekend I discovered a DoS vulnerability in version 1.5.x. You should bump to 1.5.3 or revert to 1.4.x. Full details on this GitHub issue:...
rails generate graphql:newsletter
March 16, 2017
Hi! Just a few updates on graphql-ruby: GraphQL 1.5.x is released with lots of goodies: Rails generators, including `rails g graphql:install` to get started...
Patch Releases, Parallelism and Party in Berlin
January 26, 2017
Hi friends, There have recently been a few patch releases: GraphQL 1.4.2 includes a fix for field instrumenters playing nicely together (eg, GraphQL::Pro +...
GraphQL 1.4.1, GraphQL::Pro 1.0.1, Ruby 2.4
January 16, 2017
Hi friends! Yesterday I released a couple of new gem versions: GraphQL 1.4.1 contains fixes for absent variables (which were previously added to `args`...