Some Bandcamp Friday Music Recommendations
Some Bandcamp Friday Music Recommendations
Sharing music and musical experiences is such an important part of being human. This truth was apparent throughout recent tours with the J Robbins Band. I’m writing some longer reflections on those travels, but in the meantime, here are some truly excellent recent releases to share with you:
A playlist of new releases on Bandcamp
If you’re a Bandcamp fan, you might know that today is a Bandcamp Friday — during certain seasons, a monthly occurrence where the platform waives its 15% commission fees and all purchases go directly to artists. By all means, still purchase music from artists’ pages on any random day, but if you’re still around tonight and willing to send a few dollars to some artists, the money will go a little further than usual.
Some highlights from this playlist:
Louisville’s Coliseum has finally reunited, and this is their first new song of this incarnation. We were lucky enough to play one of their reunion shows in April!
Velocity Girl found some “new old” songs — three unreleased tracks from their original run from twenty years ago.
Blushing’s excellent new album is out today. They are the “it” band of the moment for the shoegaze retro wave, and deservedly so.
Holding Hour (formerly “Elison”) are a duo from Des Moines, IA with a heartwarming story— the principal songwriter is finally fulfilling her lifelong dream of playing music after decades of traditional job & family life.
Minnows, from Columbus, OH, are the best new rock-shoegaze band (think Swervedriver, Hum, etc.) around. As J says, “if you like this kind of music, what other band do you need??”
Improbably, The Folk Implosion are back with a new forthcoming album!
Exit Angles is a fantastic post-punk tour-de-force from Wheeling, WV, featuring Jay Demko of Lincoln. Yes, that Lincoln.
I am extremely honored to play cello on two tracks on Locrian’s new post-apocalyptic masterpiece, End Terrain. “Black Prisms Of Our Dead Age” is the last song on the playlist and one of the two tracks that feature cello.

Here’s that playlist link again. Bookmark it and hit “refresh” occasionally — I will periodically update it with new releases that catch my attention. And please hit “Reply” and send me your favorite new Bandcamp finds!
Yours in music,