Jawbreaker On Cello on Bandcamp; New Freedom Sound press
Happy Friday!
Jawbreaker On Cello is now available as a digital download. It’s almost five years since the vinyl release, and in all that time, the vinyl was the only way to hear it.

The first Bandcamp Friday of the fall season is next week, but I didn’t want to wait. It will also be on streaming services soon (but not Spotify since they are cartoonishly hostile towards small artists).
And please consider including Two Freedoms in your Bandcamp shopping cart, especially if you want a copy of the vinyl before it sells out. Here is some recent press on the new New Freedom Sound record:
The movements are fascinating and intriguing, leaving room to breathe while also covering everything at the same time…the entire thing, it just works.
This is big music. I admire the ambition of Barocas as a band leader, and I dig the sense of freedom here to expand composition and form in ways that are not entirely beholden to the expectations of jazz, or ambient, or post-rock, or new classical -- though this has connections to each
— A Pessimist Is Never Disappointed

Finally, I’ll do another mixtape of great new releases soon, but here’s the link to the last one from August 20.
Have a great holiday weekend,