I have always loved movies, and I have always loved journaling. When you put the two of them together, you get an incredibly entertaining ride through all the movies I consumed between the ages of 12 and 16. Some of them were old, some of them new. Some of them left an indelible impression on me and some of them only merited being mentioned in passing. I looked through my teen journals and found all the times I referenced or reviewed a movie and compiled them here for you. It certainly begs the question, “Should all movies be subjected to a two-sentence review by a teenager?”
The answer is of course…
November 18, 2001 (Age: 12)
Yesterday I saw Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (movie) at 8:30AM! The theatre wasn’t even open yet! It was for Girl Scouts only.
February 1, 2003 (Age: 13)
Today I watched Ocean’s 11 and I fell in love with Brad Pitt. He is my new heartthrob. I used to think it was stupid to like a movie star because there is absolutely no chance of meeting them, so what’s the point? Well, I am so over that idea!
February 26, 2003
I watched Spy Kids 2 while I was home from school. I think Gary Giggles is really hot! (Okay his real name is Matt O’Leary) I am so jealous of Alexa Vega (a.k.a Carmen Cortez in the movie) for getting to work with him!
April 1, 2003
I watched Riding in Cars with Boys the other day. I wasn’t supposed to but no one was home and I was dying to see it. It was a really good movie, I’m glad I saw it!
May 4, 2003
We went to go see The Lizzie McGuire Movie. That was a really good movie, better than I expected.
June 10, 2003
I <3 Ocean’s 11! That is like the best movie ever! It has a great story line and both Brad Pitt AND Matt Damon are in it! Sweet, huh? (All my mom cares about is George Clooney.)
June 21, 2003
I saw Finding Nemo 2day. It was a good movie. 3 words: Dory. Whale Talk. That movie was hilarious.
October 10, 2003 (Age: 14)
I just saw the movie School of Rock. That movie was so cool! OMG I want to start a band!
October 19, 2003
I watched Guys and Dolls 2day. It was an okay musical, but I’ve seen better. Like Singing in the Rain or An American in Paris. Those are my favorites. They both have Gene Kelly in them. He sang, danced, choreographed, and directed them. I think that’s amazing. Nobody does musicals anymore. No, all movies have to be gory-sexy-porno-thrillers to get any attention. Movies nowadays don’t have any of the charm the old ones did. It’s really a shame, but I guess it’s only gonna get worse so I should get used to it.
December 6, 2003
Oh yeah I saw the movie Honey today with Amanda, it was good.
January 16, 2004
Just watched West Side Story. That is the most depressing movie I’ve ever seen.
January 1, 2005 (Age: 15)
I saw The Untouchables today, and it was a really cool movie. It was a good movie, not just cool. I was kinda hesitant to watch @ first b/c it’s so violent. But then I read the cover of the movie & I saw that Kevin Costner, Andy Garcia, Sean Connery, and Robert DeNiro were in it, so I figured hell, w/ that cast what could possibly go wrong? (Plus anything w/ Kevin Costner is easy to watch, cause he’s no eyesore! :) And Andy Garcia is just so cool. He was cool in Ocean’s 11 too, even though he was the bad guy (but he really was the good guy) Okay…enough of that.
May 15, 2005
Hey—guess what? Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith comes out on Thursday! I am so stoked! I can’t wait! I know, I’m a total nerd, but w/e. Hayden Christensen is the ever-hott Anakin Skywalker, so you can’t go wrong!
May 21, 2005
I’m going to see Star Wars Epsiode III tomorrow! I’m so excited! I mean, this is it: the film that bridges the gap between the new and the old. I’m such a nerd when it comes to Star Wars, but I don’t care, cause it’s such a great story. For 2 hours, you can just forget who you are and what’s troubling you and dive into the plot. And then you get to do the same thing 6 times—now that is kewl. Ah, and of course, Hayden Christensen.
May 22, 2005
OMG Star Wars was AMAZING! It totally bridged the gap between the 1st and 2nd trilogies. No complaints here—except for the love story, which I was looking forward to the most. Some of the lines were dumb, but oh well, that’s love. Excellent acting on Hayden’s part—excellent. He did a great job w/ the whole evil thing.
July 7, 2005
I saw Batman Begins w/ Lucy (it was awesome) then went to my house & did face masks.
August 17, 2005
I just watched the movie A Walk To Remember. It was the most romazing movie I’ve ever seen. (romazing = romantic + amazing. I made that up just now.) I’d have to say that it’s even better than The Notebook. Of course, they’re two totally different stories with that same theme: unconditional love. I cried so much in a few scenes, it was unbelievable. Ah, behold the power of love.
September 1, 2005
I saw the preview for the movie Red Eye that I want to see. (It’s a thriller w/ Rachel McAdams and the guy who was Scarecrow in Batman Begins.)
December 3, 2005 (Age: 16)
Today we put up Christmas decorations and watched Elf and it snowed a lot.
January 7, 2006
I saw the movie Sleepless in Seattle today. Oh my god—how romantic is that? They never met—but they were perfect for each other. That movie can make even the most pessimistic person believe in destiny.
January 13, 2006
I went to the movies. We wanted to see Tristin and Isolde, but we thought it started @ 7:15 when it actually started @ 6:45. So instead we saw Casanova, which was kinda hokey but Heath Ledger is hot so it didn’t matter.
January 27, 2006
I’m writing this while I watch Miss Congeniality so it might be a little scatterbrained.
April 16, 2006
Just finished watching The Lost World: Jurassic Park. That is a très cool movie. I haven’t seen it in a while so I still jumped at some parts. I love suspense in a movie—no gore for me, thank you very much.
June 15, 2006
I just got done watching The Wedding Planner (w/ Jennifer Lopez) so now I’m in that mood I get into after watching a romantic movie. Me & romantic movies have a love-hate relationship: I love seeing how people can really, truly love each other, but I hate the fact that it never happens to me.
June 28, 2006
Today I hung out w/ Betsy, Alexie, and Danielle all day—it was fun. We watched the movie Annapolis w/ James Franco. HOTT-AY! God, there was this one scene where he was wearing a t-shirt out in the rain doing pushups, then he stood up & was breathing deeply (and sexily…) While he breathed, the shirt went in & out too: except when he inhaled that shirt got plastered to his *PERFECT* 8-pack rock hard abs.
June 30, 2006
Went & saw Superman Returns w/ Betsy. We actually wanted to see The Devil Wears Prada but we got there too late & had to sit in the front row. So we decided to leave and go see Superman. I was glad, b/c I wanted to see it, but I think Betsy was a little bored. But it was a really good movie. I love superhero movies—they just give you such a feel-good attitude. They always have happy endings (and if they don’t that means a sequel is on the way.) Plus, there’s something for everyone: action, romance, some comedy, some drama, and kids love ‘em too.