Godsip Club
Godsip Club Newsletter - Death and All His Friends
June 23, 2024
Hello there! 🍸 This rainy Sunday allowed me to write a (not so) brief article. The subject is always a bit delicate to discuss: death. I hope I’ve done an...
Godsip Club Newsletter - Was the Easter Bunny an Ancient God?
March 30, 2024
Hello there! 🍸 Spring has sprung, finally! Well, not here in Northern Italy, where it is raining from a month… But trees are in bloom, and it is almost time...
Godsip Club Newsletter - February Stars
January 28, 2024
Hello there! 🍸 The moon already completed a cycle, this year. Wow, time flies! Casually, I came along some articles about some ancient Roman celebrations...
Godsip Club newsletter - Tales Are for Boys, Myths Are for Men
January 4, 2024
Hello there! 🍸 This month, the new article is about a single myth. It is not even a deep analysis, because I was inspired by that. But trust me, it will be...
Godsip Club newsletter: The White Ladies
October 27, 2023
Hello there! 🍸 The spooky season is almost over (oh noes!), but luckily I carry some oddities to ignite your curiosity. 🔥 The title says it quite all, but...
Godsip Club newsletter: Brütal North
August 6, 2023
These crazy hot summer weeks are pretty hard to manage, it's hard to think that every summer will be as hot as this one. 🥵 For this article, I tried to focus...
Godsip Club newsletter: Midsommar
June 16, 2023
Hello there! 🍸 The Summer solstice is approaching, the longest day of the year… I collected a brief collection of customs, mostly European, to get ready for...
Godsip Club newsletter - Yōkai
December 27, 2022
Hello there! 🍸 I hope you're enjoying these festive days. Personally, sometimes I'd like to skip forward something like a month... But Christmas atmosphere...
Godsip Club newsletter - Monster Mash
October 21, 2022
Hello there! 🍸 Firstly, this is the first email of the newsletter sent with a new website, Buttondown. So you surely will notice a different look… and that...