How I Got Unstuck: Behind the Scenes of Projection Mapping
I’m a day late with this week’s newsletter due to getting stuck trying to problem solve my latest projection! The original newsletter topic was a first look at the projection itself, but since I ran into issues and I haven’t done a behind the scenes in a little while, I thought I’d explain a bit about the projection mapping software.
Before I jump into that, I want to thank those of you who donated to my GoFundMe which allowed me to acquire a portable battery (which arrived yesterday!). I’m very excited to use it!
If you missed the GoFundMe or weren’t able to donate, you are also deserving of many thanks! Your recurring subscription to this newsletter helps me greatly and I’m incredibly appreciative of your continued support.
Now onto the problem solving!
I worked most of the day yesterday putting the finishing touches on an animation and just needed to set everything up in my mapping software so I could go out and project it. That’s where I hit a road block. My project includes two videos that are played simultaneously which is something I haven’t done before. I thought it would be simple to set up, and it was anything but! Check out the video to see how I figured it out.
Until the next newsletter, be well!