The Ghoulish Times | 07.19.24
Hello and welcome to the latest issue of The Ghoulish Times. My name is Max Booth and this is my spooky newsletter.
It’s been almost a month since you last received one of these. I had a whole goddamn birthday since the previous newsletter. I’m 31 now, which means I am very smart and know everything there is to know about everything. I no longer need to learn anything now. It’s pretty cool. Also, our washing machine bit the dust earlier this morning, and we’ve already ordered a replacement to be delivered next week, so…uhhh, if you felt like treating me to a belated birthday gift, here’s my Ko-Fi.
We’ve been hard at work on various projects, but I thought I would stop in today with a couple of fun updates. Here they are:
Vendor Applications Open for GHOULISH BOOK FESTIVAL 2025
In case you missed the news, our threats have turned into promises. The Ghoulish Book Festival will be returning for our fourth year. In 2025, it will fall on March 14 & 15—just Friday and Saturday, this time. Sundays can go to hell, we decided.
We have reserved the same venue from previous years, so GBF ’25 will once again occur in beautiful downtown San Antonio, TX.
Badges for the festival will go on sale in the next month or two, once we’ve finalized our contract with the local hotel, but until then folks interested in vendoring at the festival can apply right now. We’ll close applications this Sunday (July 21, 11:59pm CST). Learn more about applying.
In the meantime, you can also RSVP via our Facebook event page.
Earlier this year, Ghoulish Books has joined forces with Little Ghosts to form an itty bitty imprint naturally titled Ghoulish Ghosts. Here is our logo, designed by Chris Krawczyk.

Ghoulish Ghosts presents the ultimate spooky collaboration between Little Ghosts Books and Ghoulish Books; small press publishers and indie horror bookstores. Little Ghosts resides up in Toronto, Canada, and Ghoulish boils alive down in San Antonio, Texas. Together we have joined forces to create the Ghoulish Ghosts imprint, with our first release being a flip book of two novellas: Roots Run Deep by J. Krawczyk and The ‘Dillo by Max Booth III.
I loved the artwork so much, I immediately got it permanently inked into my flesh:

This book is nearly ready to be printed. Everything has been edited and is in the process of being formatted. And, as of earlier this month, we officially have cover art for both of these novellas, thanks to the immensely talented Chris Krawczyk! Let’s check out the covers now, shall we?
Here’s Roots Run Deep…

Grieving the death of his wife, Edward finds solace in nurturing the primordial creature he finds in their garden. J. Krawczyk delivers a heady mix of sorrow and cosmic horror in ROOTS RUN DEEP.
And here’s The ‘Dillo…

In Max Booth III’s THE ‘DILLO, an alcoholic becomes obsessed with hunting down and killing an armadillo after his wife leaves him for another man.
If you’re unaware of a what a flip book is, exactly, it basically means there will be one novella at either end of the book, and to read the second one you’ll have to turn the book over and flip it upside down. Here’s a handy little graphic, in case I’m not being clear enough:

This book will come out by the end of the summer. We’re currently working our asses off with the formatting and proofing, and then we will start shipping out pre-orders.
Speaking of… if you’d like to pre-order this book (which of course you do, right?), US customers can pre-order directly from the GHOULISH webstore, and Canadian customers can pre-order from the Little Ghosts webstore.
You can also add it to your TBR on Goodreads!
July Events at Ghoulish Books
The month might be halfway over, but we still have a lot of fun events planned at our little bookstore in Selma, TX!

Learn more about each event by heading on over to our website.