Hello again, friends. Max Booth here, clocking in for another shift at the Book Screaming Factory. This is the factory where everybody screams about books all day and all night. HELLO DO YOU LIKE BOOKS, DO YOU LIKE DISCOUNTED BOOKS, DO YOU WANT TO BUY SOME DISCOUNTED BOOKS? Because we have some of those available this weekend, like every other small business desperate for your attention. Here is the book sale we’re doing at Ghoulish Books today through Monday:

If the above image isn’t showing up for you, here’s the alt text:
This Weekend Support Small Business - GHOULISH BOOKS
$1.00-$25.00 = 10% off
$25.01-$50.00 = 15% off
$50.01-$75.00 = 20% off
$75.01-$100.00 = 15% off (plus $5.00 gift card)
$100.00+ = 20% off (plus $10.00 gift card)
Price before tax & shipping. Not available on gift cards, subscriptions, or Book Festival Badges. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupons. Valid Friday November 29 thru Monday December 2, 2024. Shop at our store at 9330 Corporate Drive, Suite 702, Selma, TX 78154 or shop online at
Okay, that’s it! If you’re waiting on copies of Decrepit Ritual, we finally have tracking from the printer that shows us a Wednesday arrival. Not ideal, but we’re at the mercy of the postal office at this point.
Also, as far as Ghoulish Tales Issue #3 goes, technically it’s out, but you can only read the eBook edition right now and only by purchasing it from our webstore. We’ve been waiting a ridiculous amount of time for the printer to approve the paperback. We didn’t expect it to take this long but in retrospect of course it was going to, the holidays are just beginning. Rookie-ass mistake on our part, admittedly. Do we suck as publishers? A question I ask myself multiple times a day, despite already knowing the answer.
Anyway—the magazine is coming. Even if technically the autumn issue won’t be coming out until December at this rate. If you want to read it NOW, go buy the eBook from our webstore. You can also pre-order the paperback from the same link. Otherwise, hopefully I’ll have better news next time I infiltrate your email.
Here is Betty Rocksteady’s front cover: