I'm speaking at Svelte Summit this weekend!
Hey all, it's been a minute!
I don't have a new blog post to share right now, but wanted to call attention to two events: one that's happening soon and one that already happened.
First, Svelte Summit is happening this Saturday, May 6! This is the yearly virtual conference focused on Svelte, and the whole thing will be streamed for free on the Svelte Society YouTube channel. I have a lightning talk lined up talking View Transitions and how they (might?) be able to replace some of Svelte's built-in animation primitives.
You can catch a li'l preview of my Windows solitaire-themed demo over on Twitter. Check out the event site to see all the other talks.
If you can't watch it live, the whole thing will be available on the YouTube channel afterwards to watch at your leisure. I'll also be publishing a written version of my talk the day of.
And looking backwards, last month This Dot Labs hosted a "State of Svelte" livestream with several folks from the Svelte team and community, including myself. If you’re curious about what’s happening with Svelte lately and where it’s going next, it's well worth a watch! You can catch the replay on YouTube.
Other updates
It's still a few months out, but I will also be speaking at THAT Conf Wisconsin in late July. I'll be talking some intermediate SvelteKit topics in my session "SvelteKit: Beyond the Basics." From my session description:
SvelteKit gets you up and running quickly, but also offers some powerful tools when you’re ready to build something more complex. I’ll do a deep dive on two topics that will help you build better and more ambitious SvelteKit apps: advanced data loading and progressive enhancement.
If any of you will be there or are in the area, I would love to say hi! This will be my first in-person speaking gig, so I'm excited.
And in non-tech news, I've been playing a lot of Octopath Traveler II lately (gotta finish it before the new Zelda comes out!), and the game and soundtrack are both excellent.
Cat update
The boys have been enjoying all the nice weather lately, and desperately want outside.
Until next time! As always, you can find me on Mastodon, Twitter, and my personal site.