Genetrix: Curating Stories of Creative Mothers
Embracing Interruption Writing Class
May 13, 2024
Sorry for the last minute notice, but I thought Genetrix readers might like to know about this class about embracing interruption as a writing mother. It...
When Women Artists Choose Mothering Over Making Work
December 2, 2023
Hello, Genetrix readers! As promised, this newsletter is extremely occasional, with an average of only one issue a year. Today I'm writing to share with you...
A backlog of stories about creative mothers
April 21, 2022
Hello, friends! I recently read Katie Runde's essay, Writing Your Little Stories In the Shadow of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and it inspired me to revive...
No Supermoms Here
February 27, 2019
Hello again or welcome for the first time! It's Genetrix's second issue. This month has been a blur. When I look at my calendar, it doesn't seem like much...
[Genetrix #1] Welcome to Genetrix!
January 30, 2019
Welcome to Genetrix! It's the first issue. How did we get here? I'd been collecting articles and books about motherhood and art for months when Electric...