🎧: the trouble with daytime
(swollen eyes, two things can be true, trusting yourself)
Yesterday was hard and today is better.
Today I am trying out something new, which is a story by way of audio. It’s a format that I love, and maybe you do too. I didn’t write this to be read aloud. It felt strange, and at first, I kept stumbling over my words, but after five or so tries, I finally fell into a groove, and even wound up enjoying the messiness of the process.
The idea of having my voice spread across this little corner of the internet is unsettling, and I am likely overthinking it. Because really, it’s not a big deal and we all worry more about ourselves than anyone else, anyways. Meaning: this will just be a blip. A here and there. The smallest of small moments until it’s gone. Except that as long as I am here, it won’t be gone, and I will probably come back to listen and cringe and also be kind of proud of myself.
It’s usually how it goes: me here with my laptop, hunched over and wondering why my neck hurts, pressing onward into some unknown endeavor that I’ve dreamt up because this kind of story telling is intriguing to me.
So, if it’s alright with you, I’ll keep popping up here (roughly) once a week to write and talk and share things that usually just echo about in my mind until they land somewhere in a journal filled with handwriting so illegible, it’s almost no different to having them stay buried in my thoughts.
I sure hope you enjoy.
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