Daily life (announcements for Feb 13)
Hi everyone,
At prayer meeting this week, we reviewed the picture of the church’s daily life in Acts 2:42-47. Here are a few prayer requests that we gathered from that text:
- That we would be enthusiastic in attending and participating in public worship on the Lord’s Day.
- That we would be generous and grateful in our daily life.
- That our deacons would have wisdom to provide for needs in the church.
- That we would enjoy extending and receiving hospitality.
- That worship would be part of our daily life, whether at home or in church activities.
- That God would add to our number through conversions.
These could easily be items of thanksgiving, because God has already been providing these blessings. Our prayer is that he would continue to bless us in these ways more and more, for his glory.
Pastor Goligher
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school is at 9:45am.
The morning service is at 11:00am.
- Galatians 5:16-21, “The Works of the Flesh”
- Psalm 8B
- How Good it is To Thank the Lord #635
- The God of Abraham Praise #34
After the morning service, there will be a meeting for anyone interested in helping with this year’s VBS.
The evening service is at 5:00pm.
- Acts 3, “A Sign and a Sermon”
- God is Our Refuge and Our Strength #40
- Rejoice the Lord is King #310
VBS Meeting
If you expect to be involved in this year’s VBS, please meet after the morning service on February 13 (next Sunday).
Through the Week
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday evening at 7:15pm, at church and on Zoom.
Ladies’ Bible Study meets Thursday at 7pm, on Zoom. The study is based on Nancy Guthrie, The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in Genesis. This week’s study is Jacob (Genesis 25:19-35:21). Complete the Personal Bible Study (pages 205-209).
Looking ahead
February fellowship lunch: Next week is our February fellowship lunch, after the morning service. If you plan to stay for lunch, please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert.
Spring Presbytery Meeting: Our church is hosting the Spring meeting of presbytery on March 17-18. We are looking for people to help with this service opportunity. Please speak to Karl Rauta if you would like to get involved.
Foreign Missions Conference: On April 23, there will be a conference presenting our denomination’s ministry in foreign missions. The speaker will be Rev. Douglas Clawson, who is the associate general secretary for Foreign Missions. The conference will be hosted at Delta Oaks Presbyterian Church in Pittsburg, CA. Please mark your calendars now if you would like to go. More announcements will follow soon.
Spring camping: We have a group campsite reserved at Joseph Grant County Park overnight from Friday May 13th to Saturday May 14th. Mark your calendars if you would like to come.
Fall Women’s Retreat: Ladies, mark your calendars for October 15. Plans are underway for the annual presbytery women’s retreat on that date. More details will be announced soon.