Announcements for May 15
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school is at 9:45am. This week, in adult Sunday school class, Pastor Goligher will give an overview of Irish church history.
The morning service is at 11:00am. The sermon will be "Sowing and Reaping," from Galatians 6:6-10.
The evening service is at 5:00pm. The sermon will be "Resisting the Holy Spirit" from Acts 7:20-53.
Through the Week
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday evening at 7:15pm, at church and on Zoom.
Ladies' Bible Study meets Thursday at 7pm, on Zoom. The study is based on Nancy Guthrie, The Lamb of God. This week's study is "Salvation and Provision" (Exodus 13-17). Read the Teaching Chapter (pages 95-110). Complete the discussion questions on pages 111-112.
Men's Bible Study meets Thursday at 8:15pm, on Zoom.
Fellowship Lunch will be next Sunday after the morning service.
Singing Practice will be next Sunday at 3:30pm, before the evening service.
Ladies' Coffee Night
Ladies, you are invited to a coffee night at the church on Friday, May 27 at 7 pm.
VBS Registration
Registration is now open at this link, so please sign up your kids if they will be participating. Please also share the registration info with friends and encourage them to sign up!
Summer Bible Camp
This year, the presbytery's Bible camp is scheduled for June 13-17 at Redwood Christian Park in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The speaker will be Pastor Van Der Linden from the Roseville congregation. You can sign up to attend at this website.
Lord's Supper Over the Summer
While Pastor Goligher is away, we will not be observing the Lord's supper on the first Sunday of each month as we usually do. However, there will be several Sundays (at least once per month) when ordained ministers will be visiting, and we will observe the Supper on those occasions.