Announcements for 4 September
Hi Everyone,
Plan to join us for Adult Sunday School class this week. Pastor Goligher will provide a report of his and his family’s activities in Northern Ireland this summer.
Elder Lemen
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school is at 9:45 am.
The children’s Sunday school during the summer is surveying the book of Genesis.
The morning service is at 11:00 am. The sermon will be "The Coming of the Lord" from James 5:1-11.
The evening service is at 5:00 pm. The sermon will be “God of My Salvation" from Micah 7:1-7.
Through the Week
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday evening at 7:15 pm, at church and on Zoom.
Ladies’ Bible Study will resume this Thursday evening at 7:00 pm via Zoom, using the book “The Lamb of God: Seeing Jesus in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy” by Nancy Guthrie. If you would like to join and do not have a book, please contact Julie Lemen. This week the study starts on page 115 “The giving of the Law,” Exodus 19-24.
Men's Book Study is on Thursday evening at 8:15 pm via Zoom. This week will be Chapter 4 of “Knowing Sin” by Mark Jones.
Lord’s Supper
We will observe the Lord’s Supper during the morning service this Sunday, 4 September, at which time we will also receive an offering for the work of the Deacons.
Library Books
If you have any books from the Church library that you are no longer using, please return them in the drop-off container. We encourage you to look for good books in the library. When you find one to take home, please remember to check it out in the logbook on the desk.
Looking Ahead
Ladies – save the date(s):
Friday, 23 September, 6 pm. Ladies’ dinner at Aqui
Saturday, 1 October. Baby shower for Maddie Bartlett
Women’s Retreat
This year’s women’s retreat will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Pleasanton with Dr. Jonathan Master, the President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, speaking on the topic of “Growing in Grace.” For more information and to register, please see the Women’s Retreat event page. If you plan to spend Friday night at the hotel and would like to room with someone, please contact Julie Lemen for help making the arrangements.