Announcements for 2 October
Hi Everyone,
Pastor Goligher will be preaching during both services this Sunday. We will observe the Lord’s Supper during the morning service.
Elder Lemen
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school is at 9:45 am. This week in adult Sunday school class we conclude our review of the history of the Presbyterian church in America.
The children’s Sunday school (9:45 am) meets in two classes, both using Great Commissions Publications curricula.
The morning service is at 11:00 am. The sermon will be "Established" from 1 Kings 2:13-46.
The evening service is at 5:00 pm. The sermon will be “Thanks for Everything" from Romans 1:8-15.
Through the Week
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday evening at 7:15 pm, at church and on Zoom.
Ladies’ Bible Study is on Thursday evening at 7:00 pm via Zoom. This week the study in Nancy Guthrie’s book “The Lamb of God” will be on “The Priesthood” (Exodus 28-29). Complete the personal Bible Study (pgs. 165-170).
Men's Book Study is on Thursday evening at 8:15 pm via Zoom. This week will be Chapter 8 of “Knowing Sin” by Mark Jones.
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
This Sunday we celebrate the Lord’s Supper during the morning worship service. An offering will be taken for the work of the Deacons during the singing of the closing hymn.
Child Protection Class
Next Sunday, 9 October during Sunday School (9:45 am), Pastor Goligher will conduct our annual child protection class in the Fellowship Hall. Please plan to attend.
This class is important for everyone, but is especially valuable for parents, and for our Sunday school teachers, nursery workers, and adults who have any ministry involvement with the youth of our congregation.
Looking Ahead
Women’s Retreat
This year’s women’s retreat will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Pleasanton with Dr. Jonathan Master, the President of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, speaking on the topic of “Growing in Grace.” For more information and to register, please see the Women’s Retreat event page. Please speak to Pastor Goligher for more details.
Baby Shower for Maddie Bartlett
The baby shower for Maddie Bartlett has been postponed until 22 October 2022 at 11 am. More details will be forthcoming. To contribute to a group gift, please contact Joy Loh.
Foundations Class
On Sunday, 23 October, during the Sunday school hour (9:45 am), Pastor Goligher will begin a new series of the Foundations Class. This class is for those interested in joining the church or seeking to make a profession of faith or wanting to learn more about the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Please speak to Pastor Goligher if you would like to attend.