Announcements for 18 December
Hi Everyone,
This Sunday Pastor Goligher will preach for both services.
The Cello recital is tomorrow, Saturday, 17 December at 4:30 pm.
This Sunday we will have our Fellowship Lunch following the morning service. Please plan to join and bring a main dish and a salad or dessert to share.
Please join us next Saturday, 24 December, at 5 pm for a Christmas Eve service of lessons and carols.
Reminder to all: Please use cups/bottles with lids when in the Worship Hall or nursery. And please only have food in the Fellowship Hall.
Elder Lemen
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school is on recess the next three weeks and resumes on 8 January 2023.
The morning service is at 11:00 am. The sermon will be "A Virgin Shall Give Birth" from Isaiah 7:14.
The evening service is at 5:00 pm. The sermon will be “The Virgin Birth: Who, What, and How" from Luke 1:26-38.
Christmas caroling practice will be on Sunday at 3:30 pm.
Through the Week
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday. At 6 pm there is a shared meal – please let Pastor Goligher know if you plan to join for dinner. Prayer will be at 7:15 pm, at church and on Zoom. During the prayer time there will be activities at the church for children up to the age of 6 years old.
Ladies’ Bible Study is on recess until 12 January 2023. See the note below about getting a book for the upcoming study.
Men’s Book Study is on recess.
Christmas Eve service
Saturday, 24 December at 5 pm is a Christmas Eve service of Scripture lessons and Christmas carols.
Looking Ahead
Sunday School Vacation: There will be no Sunday school classes on 18 Dec., 25 Dec., or 1 Jan. Classes resume on 8 January 2023.
The Lord’s Supper will next be celebrated on 1 January 2023.
Women’s Bible Study
The women’s Bible study will resume on Thursday, 12 January 2023. Please pick up a copy of the book, “The Son of David” by Nancy Guthrie, from the red basket in the Fellowship Hall (and sign your name when you do so).
Teens Sunday School Class
Starting 15 January, Pastor Goligher will begin teaching a Sunday School class for teens. We will study sections of the book of Romans together, in order to discover the Bible’s biggest doctrines, and apply them to our lives. As Paul said, we aim to be “obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which [we] were committed” (Romans 6:17). All teens are welcome to join. Speak to Pastor Goligher if you have any questions.
Snow Rally
All teens (ages 12-18) are invited to the presbytery’s Snow Rally at Oak Hill Presbyterian Church in Sonora. The event starts on Friday afternoon, February 24. On Saturday the 25th, the teens will go snow-tubing at a nearby mountain. Teens may return home on Saturday evening, or stay over for Sunday worship at Oak Hill. The speaker this year is Rev. Gene Crow, the pastor of Redding Reformed Fellowship. More details will be announced soon, but mark your calendars now if you are interested in joining.
Message from the Mercy Committee
Sally Jo Reich would love cards and encouraging messages from church families. She had a surgery last month due to a fractured femur. If you are able, please send her encouraging messages to lift her spirits and let her know we are praying and thinking of her.
Her address is: 1224 Devonshire Ave., Manteca CA 95336