Announcements for 12 February
Hi Everyone,
Mr. Nathaniel Vroom will teach adult Sunday School and preach during the morning service. Mr. Vroom is licensed by the OPC Presbytery of the Southeast.
Pastor Goligher will preach for the evening service. Pastoral Intern Jonathan Bartlett fills the pulpit at First OPC, San Francisco this Sunday.
VBS will come sooner than you think! Please mark it on your calendars: 7 to 11 August 2023. It is not too soon to begin praying and planning for your family’s participation.
Elder Lemen
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school this week is at 9:45 am.
The children’s Sunday school meets in two classes, both using Great Commissions Publications curricula.
Adult Sunday School Class is taught this week by Mr. Nanthiel Vroom.
Teens Sunday School Class. Pastor Goligher is teaching a Sunday School class for the teens using the book of Romans.
The morning service is at 11:00 am. The sermon will be " Our Lord’s Baptism" from Matthew 3:13-17.
The evening service is at 5:00 pm. The sermon will be “False Religion" from 1 Kings 12: 25-33.
Through the Week
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday. At 6 pm there is a shared meal – please let Pastor Goligher know if you plan to join for dinner. Prayer will be at 7:15 pm, at church and on Zoom. During the prayer time there are activities at the church for children up to the age of 6 years old.
Ladies’ Bible Study this week is replaced by a Ladies Coffee Night on Friday, 17 Feb at 7 pm at Big Mug Coffee, 3014 El Camino Real, Santa Clara. Young ladies are welcome to join. Games might be involved!!
Men’s Book Study is on Thursday evening at 8:15 pm via Zoom. The men are reading J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism. This week’s study will cover Chapter 2, pgs. 17-30a.
Unclaimed dishes. Please check the table in the Fellowship Hall to see if one or more of the unclaimed dishes belongs to you.
Looking Ahead
Fellowship Lunch: Scheduled for next Sunday, 19 February 2023. An email to the clean-up team will be sent soon.
Foreign Missions Conference: You are invited to Trinity Presbyterian North Bay in Petaluma, on Saturday April 22, from 10am-3pm. Mike McCabe, OPC missionary to China, will be present to share about his work in building God's kingdom in a country that is firmly closed to the Gospel. To get the details, and to register, go to
Save the date for VBS: 7 to 11 August 2023