After Darkness, Light (announcements for May 1)
Hi everyone,
At prayer meeting this week, we looked at Romans 3:21-26. This is the break of dawn after two long chapters describing the sins of the whole world.
The first truth in this text is that God is righteous. This is good news, because it means that the terrible moral and spiritual darkness of our world is not the whole story. It also seems to be bad news, though, since we ourselves are part of the problem. God, being righteous, will not fail to condemn our sin.
The second truth is that God forgives sins. Through the whole Old Testament, God was showing "divine forbearance" by "passing over" many sins. He continues to do this now, because offers to justify sinners by his grace as a gift.
This leads to a big question: How can God be righteous, if he is so willing to forgive sin? This is not just a theoretical question, but a personal one: can you really trust God to bless you, a sinner? If God is unrighteous (and forgives sins), then you cannot trust him. If God is righteous (and does not forgive sins) then you are doomed. How can God be both righteous and forgiving?
The answer was hinted at in the Old Testament: "the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it." But it was not clearly demonstrated until Jesus went to the cross, where he died as a sacrifice, a "propitiation" that deals with the problem of our sin. Jesus died in our place, so that sin would be fully condemned, and sinners would be fully forgiven.
God is righteous, and he pronounces guilty sinners righteous, fit for heaven, heirs to all of his blessings. You have every reason to turn from your sin and seek his mercy. You can trust him.
Pastor Goligher
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school is at 9:45am. This week, in adult Sunday school class, we will continue learning about the life of Herman Bavinck.
The morning service is at 11:00am. The sermon will be "Get a Grip," from Galatians 5:23.
The evening service is at 5:00pm. The sermon will be "Church Growth" from Acts 6:1-7
Through the Week
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday evening at 7:15pm, at church and on Zoom.
Ladies' Bible Study meets Thursday at 7pm, on Zoom. The study is based on Nancy Guthrie, The Lamb of God. This week's study is "Plagues and Passover" (Exodus 5-12). Complete the Personal Bible Study (pages 65-70).
Men's Bible Study meets Thursday at 8:15pm, on Zoom.
Looking Ahead
Dinner & Discussion for Teens
On Tuesday, May 10, teens are invited to the Golighers' home for dinner and a discussion about college. We will have a guest on Zoom: Dr. Joe Rigney, president of Bethlehem College in Minneapolis.
You might enjoy reading this article that he wrote about education.
Dinner will be at 5:30, and friends and parents are welcome. Please RSVP to Calvin or Joanne.
Camping in May
On Friday, May 13, we have a group campsite reserved at Joseph D. Grant County Park. We will aim to arrive at dinner-time on Friday, and then enjoy spending Saturday together, and then head home after sharing a late afternoon meal.
If you are planning to come, please RSVP to Scott Porter.
Fellowship Lunches for May and June
For just these two months, we will hold fellowship lunches on the fourth Sunday of the month, one week later than usual.