A Talking Donkey (announcements for November 21)
Bible Reading
Old Testament
This week, our Bible reading plan (Adults’ Version, Kids’ Version) includes the story of Balaam the false prophet. Though Balaam was very powerful to curse Israel, God was more powerful to bless Israel. And God used a donkey to rebuke him! That’s humbling.
New Testament
The Corinthian letters are some of my own favorite books in the Bible. One thing to look out for here is how Paul “preaches from” the Old Testament.
- in chapter 1, he preaches from Jeremiah 9
- in chapter 2, from Isaiah
- in chapter 3, from Job
- in chapter 5, from the Passover story in Exodus
- in chapter 6, from Genesis
What other examples can you find?
Kids, have you ever been to a great big feast? Do you remember feeling happy to have all the food you could ever want? And maybe you went to sleep dreaming about leftovers the next day. That’s how everyone felt after Jesus fed 5000 men and their families (it could have been 20,000 people!). The amazing thing is that he prepared this feast from only a few loaves and fish. Even more amazing, he taught the crowd that by believing in him they would enjoy not only food that fills their tummies, but spiritual food that would give them eternal life.
The Lord’s Day
Sunday school is at 9:45am. The plan is to let the whole Adult Sunday school class join the final week of Foundations Class. The subject will be how to serve the Lord by participating in Church life. One particular question we’ll address is how to leave a church in a godly way.
The morning service is at 11:00am.
- Galatians 3:27-29, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence #193
- Jesus Lives and So Shall I #706
- O God Our Help in Ages Past #30
The evening service is at 5:00pm.
- Ezekiel 38-39, “Gog & Magog”
- All My Heart This Night Rejoices #217
- From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee #554
Through the Week
Tuesday Bible Study meets at 10:30, at church and on Zoom. This week we will be concluding our study on angels, looking at the role angels will play in the end of the world. This will be our last Tuesday Bible study for the year.
Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday evening at 7:15pm, at church and on Zoom.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Last week, the ladies concluded their study of Genesis 1-11. Thank-you to everyone who has joined in the study in recent moths. The study will now be on break until January 6.
Sunday school wrap-up
It has been a great year of Sunday school! To celebrate, we will enjoy a special Sunday school time on December 5, for both kids and adults. Pastor Goligher will read his favorite Christmas story, and there will be a gift for each of the kids who’ve been part of Sunday school this year.
Holiday Cookie Exchange
Ladies, please join us for a Holiday Cookie exchange on Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 3:00 pm at Joanne Goligher’s home. RSVP to Joanne by December 5th. For more information, look for the printed invitation or speak to Joanne, Julie, Melissa or Christy. Please consider inviting a friend to join us. Young ladies (4+ years) are welcome!