Figma Thinkers
Figma Thinkers - Beta Course Signup
March 6, 2023
Ok! Nate and I have been working hard designing and building the course and we’re ready to announce the beta cohort. The thesis is that knowledge workers can...
Figma Thinkers Week 8: Creative Figma Uses
February 27, 2023
Welcome back to Week 8 of Nate and Tom building Figma Thinkers, an online course for non-designers to learn Figma. Every Thursday we do a live-streamed...
Figma Thingers Week 7: The War of Art(Boards)
February 21, 2023
Welcome back to Week 7 of Nate and Tom building Figma Thinkers, an online course for non-designers to learn Figma. Every Thursday (except this Thursday while...
Figma Thinkers Week 6: Bezier Butts
February 13, 2023
Welcome back to Week 6 of Nate and Tom building Figma Thinkers, an online course for non-designers to learn Figma. Every Thursday we do a live-streamed...
Welcome to Figma Thinkers (week 5!)
February 6, 2023
Hey folks, It's me, Tom Critchlow (half of Tom and Nate, err you can probably guess which half). Welcome to the first email newsletter for Figma Thinkers!...