The Feather Newsletter #1
The Feather Newsletter #1
Introduction (Long Time, No See)
Hey guys, this is our first company newsletter!
As a re-introduction, here at Feather, we are building simple & dynamic systems to load balance your software to get the best performance possible. We're working on a bunch of use cases, including scientific compute (molecular dynamics), cloud gaming, and consistent browser rendering.
A lot has happened at Feather, and we would love to give you guys an update.
1. Rendering Fractals at Light-Speed
As our goal is boosting performance on the web, we decided to benchmark high fidelity fractal renderers. In doing so, we may have created one of the fastest CPU fractal renderers on the web. Have a look here
2. Studying Performance on the Web
To document our process, the team has put together an exhaustive article detailing our experiences with various web technologies.
Read the article here: How We Made One of the Fastest Mandelbrot Renderers on the Web.
The post documents our initial experiments rendering the Mandelbrot set with JS, Web-workers and emerging technologies like Webassembly. You can review the project code here
3. Refining Site for a New Direction
Check out our new site here:
We have taken a new direction with our branding. The new aesthetic fits our goals and caters more effectively to our potential users and collaborators. The 3D visuals on the site and animated background are subtle but effective demonstrations of our motto "We make performance simple."
The visuals on the new site also presented some interesting challenges, the making of which will be documented in future post/newsletter.
4. Next Steps
In the coming weeks we are tackling a bigger project: scientific compute. Our goal is to compile some existing molecular dynamics software to run it in the browser with native performance. We want to make the software easy to use and distribute via the web.
Thanks for reading. Subscribe to our mailing list to keep up-to-date with Feather