Hello Again
I hope you had a great week. I’m just going to make these however I see fit hopefully I settle on a good pattern at some point.
What I Did This Week
Redesigned my website yet again including my old blog posts.
Wrote on archives to my old site
Things I Consumed This Week
I read this profile on Li Jin a venture capitalist who works with online content creators in addition to advocating for them which makes her pretty cool. She kinda became a main character after basically calling for content creators to own the means of production as a venture capitalist. Turns out that she’s inspired by Marxist works and she’s really sincere in wanting creators to have a bigger share of the pie and avoids using the word “socialism” because of Americans.
Aforementioned piece was written by Taylor Lorenz who had a chat with Kimberly Foster on the creator economy.
I discovered that the third season of How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) is out. I forgot how much of a douche Moritz was. Tries to be realistic about tech and software development, even with asking a Vue site, working off (real) tutorials and how Stack Overflow is full of assholes. They’re getting off easy and they want to keep on going?
On the topic of drugs, How Drug Gangs Actually Work is by a former undercover cop. It’s rather infuriating how futile his efforts were and how gang busts make the problem worse. Honestly, I support legalizing all drugs (reasonably of course).
Adam Something made a response video to Prager U’s video on the “War on Cars” which was a bad video, much like Prager “University” and Dennis Prager himself. I wanted to make a detailed response to it myself but all I’ll say for now is that car culture is cancer and we really need to be driving less.
I’ve been reading Confessions of a Video Vixen which isn’t as scandalous as I thought it would be so far.
OH MY FUCKING GOD, GET THE FUCKING VACCINE ALREADY, YOU FUCKING FUCKS seriously. Given previous trends, it looks like the next wave could be deadlier so we need to get vaccinated before then.
The Day I Discovered NFTs
The NFT rage reminded me of the time I discovered NFTs. I was at a strange hackathon in 2016 and people were presenting their finished projects. One of them was by a guy who generated “the rarest Pepe” and put it on the blockchain. Was rather strange and I didn’t get the point then, much less now.
441 Words Later
Thanks for reading! See you next week.