Guest Talk + Panel Discussion tonight in Berlin and Our February Prague Tour
Imminent events in the Vomitverse
Greetings Mallies and good tidings for 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣
We bring news of what 🥵 is in store 4️⃣ those who desire 🥵🩷
Realtime Affairs
January 17, 19:00 - DOCK11 Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin
Tonight! We have the pleasure of being invited to talk about our work at this event exploring realtime and immersive artistic practice.
The REALTIME AFFAIRS event series is a regular meet-up for artists, designers and interested audiences who are passionate about audiovisual performances and immersive experiences. The aim is to present formats on the interdisciplinary border of performing arts, gaming and media art. The format initiated by DockDigital, in collaboration with the Berlin University of the Arts, is intended to function as a regular meeting point, hosting discussion formats, try-out presentations and panels. Our goal is to create a vibrant space for sharing ideas, supporting each other and exploring novel approaches.
February 3, 18:30 to 03:00 - Divadlo X10, Prague
We will be performing SEX! At Alexanderplatz at LAN Party. Some words from the organisers...
In our first event, we’ll embrace the transformative potential of gaming. Divadlo X10 will become an updated LAN Party, version 2024.01. You can expect theatre games, community games and social (video) games. A party where visitors’ physical bodies will be dissolved into a digital conglomeration of 1s and 0s. And vice-versa.
An all-night open zone for the exploration of fantastical worlds, Y: LAN Party will focus on the creation of amoebic, fluid identities, worlds and spaces. No one can be sure of reality, because the virtual isn’t the opposite of reality, but an inseparable part of it. LARPers use the term “bleed” to describe the moment when “the world of the game” begins to spill over into “reality.” We’re opening the floodgates and engaging in transformation with a very specific goal – to enjoy a moment of disconnection from the everyday, economised and normalised environment. Or, on the contrary: a welcome and wanted connection, where I/we voluntarily accept someone else’s rules and allow myself/ourselves to be led through a transformed landscape that ultimately seeps into the landscape of the everyday.
CURATORS Anna Chrtková, Petr Dlouhý, Ondřej Trhoň
ARTISTS Fantasia Malware [Berlín] ▪ and others* tba
GRAPHIC DESIGN Terezie Chlíbcová
More info here
AVU Lecture
February 1, 18:00 - Prague
Additionally as part of our Prague tour we will be giving a guest lecture.
Save the Dates 😘😘😘
Mystery ? Location - Berlin
And finally we have some exciting events planned in Berlin . Keep the following dates free ;) more info soon 😈
What could they mean?? Only time can tell 🥵

Fantasia Malware