🔮FANTASIA MALWARE presents... "Okthryssia and Saturnia's Bureaucratic Adventures"
⚰️ You are at your uncle's funeral. You know most people here: aunts, cousins, friends, and the usual parasites hoping to feed on your family's wealth.
👁️ Suddenly, you spot her in the crowd. You hoped she wouldn't come. But of course she did…
👄 She's approaching you with her ghoulish smile. Here she is : Lacrima, Layweress of the Night.
📝 Lacrima says that your uncle wanted you to inherit the To-Do List of Eternal Empowerment.
Oh no...
✨FANTASIA MALWARE presents... "Okthryssia and Saturnia's Bureaucratic Adventures". A local multiplayer game by Gabriel Helfenstein.
Help the siblings Okthryssia and Saturnia navigate the tormented ways of bureaucracy and claim their inheritance.
Download for free >> Okthryssia and Saturnia's Bureaucratic Adventures