::Alt Text Challenge:: 1.1
Hello - and apologies.
All replies to my Alt Text Challenge were deleted by my ferocious spam filter. Until I found them today, I thought nobody was interested. Oops!
Hi, I'm John-Paul. This is ::Alt Text Challenge:: Series 1, a seven-day pop-up newsletter for which you signed up. You can unsubscribe any time, using the link below.
In case you forgot (!) this is the picture I asked you to describe:
("Max's House, Child's Hill.")
I've posted your response (anonymously) below that picture on my website. As you see (link above) others wrote something similar to you, but different.
There are lovely elements in the combined effort that I might never have come up with.
Your next challenge
"Ridge Road (corner with Finchley Road)"
Your challenge is to reply with 30 words of Alt Text.
This should be descriptive - it's not the same as a caption, which tends to be a bit more opinionated and worldly.
To convey the mood of the image, I find it helps if I channel my inner robot, or inner Vulcan - reporting to earthlings a feeling that only humans really understand.
If you don't have time/inclination, feel free to enjoy the pictures and move on with your day.
Till tomorrow!