Hello friends,
Forgive the promotional nature of this email. My book,
Health Justice Now, comes out in two weeks! Wow!
If you'd like to pick it up (please pick it up!) check out
The book is a three-parter:
- What we have now: what insurance is, how it works, where costs come from, and who's fucking it up for all of us
- What we want: what is single-payer? What isn't single-payer? How would single-payer work, and why should we prefer it to things like the public option or arbitrary European models?
- What comes next: Where does our own health come from? Beyond the hospital, what happens to us that makes us healthy or sick ("social determinants")? What determines how these social determinants are distributed? What leverage does single-payer, and only single-payer, have to guarantee health equity for all Americans?
So far my only reviewer has been my dad, who loves it. You (or you dad) might love it too. It also has several footnotes about professional wrestling. Please buy it if you can.
If you live in New York City, I have a book launch on Tuesday, 8/6 and another event on Wednesday, 8/7. Come through!
I'll also be going on some small tours for the next few months and if I'm in your town, I'd love to see you.
Lastly, on a more personal note: Now that the book is out I hope to use this listserv more frequently. I had a minor psychotic episode in April while giving a speech (whoops!) and it really sucked everything out of me for a few months, including my yen for health policy. I'm doing much better now and am amped to get back on the horsey, especially as the healthcare moon ascends in the Dem primaries. " Thanks for Reading "