Posting About Healthcare
No Better Time to Be Alive
January 9, 2025
Greetings, my beloved creatures of the night… For some reason Rolling Stone asked me back to write about The Washington Post’s shitty little “there has never...
A Molotov in the Bone Grinder
December 23, 2024
Sliding under the closing garage door of late December, I wrote about, you know, The Event. I think there’s a lot to say about it, and if it’s too focused on...
You can't "fix" healthcare with good vibes: a book review
August 14, 2023
Knock knock. The newsletter’s back. Thank you to reader Jacob for recommending that I migrate it to Buttondown. It’s a great interface and I like it so far....
I wrote something new and it's about healthcare costs... and independent wrestlers.
May 31, 2023
Hi! I wrote my first long piece since the book came out. It's for Defector—the last good website—and it's about health finance, obviously, but also a...
Infant mortality and the uncritical celebration of progress
March 27, 2023
(Hello! I'm back. I'm working on working on another project and figured I'd start the process of stretching my fingers. It's nice to see you again. Tenderly...
A great piece of health policy news, and some excerpts from Health Justice Now
August 9, 2019
Hello friends, I have two things to talk about today -- one is hype as shit, the other is about my book. Let's get into it. I. QUEBEC VACCINE COUNSELORS II....
Some thoughts on my book, which comes out in two weeks
July 22, 2019
Hello friends, Forgive the promotional nature of this email. My book, Health Justice Now, comes out in two weeks! Wow! If you'd like to pick it up (please...
Some notes on Medicare Advantage
March 28, 2019
Bienvenidos amigos, It's been a minute! I want to spend this newsletter talking about Medicare Advantage, but I'd be remiss not to mention that ~I Finished...
I reviewed Pramila Jayapal's upcoming M4A bill
February 13, 2019
Hello friends, Pramila Jayapal, rep from Seattle, has a M4A bill coming out in two weeks. I crawled out of my cave to pet my dog and write up a review. I...
I'm looking for stories about health injustice
January 4, 2019
Hello friends, I'm sorry I haven't written more recently. My book draft is due in about a week, and there is much more than a week's worth of book left to...
Some thoughts on prison and healthcare
October 28, 2018
Howdy y’all, I just got back from the road -- spent some time in south Texas, Houston, Wisconsin, and Illinois (a real pain in the ass to pack for). I’ll be...
Some thoughts on health justice—and the way forward
October 12, 2018
Hello everyone, It's been a really very long time, hasn't it? I'm sorry, I was very sick. I've concluded my 2018 tours around most of the US (well, except...
A note on abortion access; a podcast; three hype shirts; a fundraiser
April 4, 2018
Hello! Forgive some cross-promotion, please. I have some cool projects about abortion funds, and also a good Heavy Medical podcast at the bottom about the...
Some thoughts on healthcare injustice, moralism, and suffering
March 14, 2018
Howdy y’all. Been a minute. Hope you're doing good. Stuff I written recently Stuff I saw on the road Compassionate labor Moralism and the “undeserving poor”...
Some thoughts on health injustice in America
November 26, 2017
Hello friends, This one's long. It’s been a minute since I got to last speak with you. Since then, I’ve been on the road. I drove around the East Coast and...
Some notes on Bernie's bill, a new podcast about healthcare & metal, Single Payer Roadtrip, Cassidy-Graham, wow!
September 19, 2017
Hello! It's been a while since I've spoken with you—in my defense, I've been busy working on fun stuff. Some of that is below. I. HEAVYxMEDICAL podcast II....
Some thoughts on persuading the lukewarm about universal single-payer
July 23, 2017
Hello! Here are two things I want to talk about, briefly. 1. Persuading Centrists about Universal Single-Payer 2. The mass subsidization of private industry...
Notes from a Medicare for All/single-payer town hall in Houston
July 9, 2017
Howdy y'all, I had a heck of a time speaking at the Houston DSA/Houston Area Progressives/Our Revolution Medicare for All townhall this past Saturday. I...
Some notes on healthcare and state single-payer
July 2, 2017
Good morning and hello, In this email I'm going to tell you how to make money from home as a YouTube influencer. Just kidding, it's an email about state...
Some notes on healthcare
May 22, 2017
Hello to you, You're receiving this email because at some point in the past two years you signed up for my tinyletter. I didn't know what I wanted to do with...