[SC 2.4.4] Dated in some ways, but also ahead of its time in others
We got a DVD player and rediscovered The Lost Room. It's dated in some ways, but also ahead of its time in others. I also am in the middle of playing Control for the first time, so it's a whole vibe.
You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism
"My timeline is full of reactive hot takes and gotchas by people who still seem to think they can quote-dunk their way out of fascism—or who know they can’t, but simply can’t resist taking the bait."
The Rich, Sexy History Of Oneida — Commune And Silverware Maker
I'm sorry, what.
The Revolutionary Act of Doing a Job
"Watanabe’s co-workers are tortured by the face of the one man among them who helped people. Tortured by the idea that they might actually do something. They choose not to because they are afraid."
After Trump killed a report on nature, researchers push ahead with release
Anyway, putting this link after the other one for reasons.
Whalesong patterns follow a universal law of human language, new research finds
Trump and everyday anti-fascism beyond punching Nazis
Nailed it with social cost.
Why watching comb jellies poop has stunned evolutionary biologists
The opening sentence of this article is a banger.
Top climate scientist declares 2 degrees Celsius climate goal 'dead'
How to order attributes on HTML elements
I do this too!
The Newest Food Trend is LOL
Maximalist food bonanza assualt.
Bacteria make a meal of toxic PFAS 'forever chemicals'
Good job, bacteria!
"Playable 3D simulations of vintage electronic games"
Stellantis Introduces Pop-Up Ads in Vehicles, Sparking Outrage Among Owners
I just replaced my not-smart TV with a new not-smart TV, and I guess this line of thinking will extend to if I ever get a car.
Ad-free wiki hosting, powered by expert MediaWiki volunteers
This is a good thing to know about, as knowledge gets weird.
Smuggling arbitrary data through an emoji
Oh ho!
Anatomy of an AI Coup
"Shifting the conversation to the technical is a way of locking policymakers and the public out of decisions and shifting that power to the code they write."
Kelp Farming Isn’t As Green As It Seems
Aw dang.
A well-known avatar URL would be dang cool.
Every once in awhile I'm reminded of how much of a failure of potential Gravatar is.