[SC 2.4.4] Accept that for what it is
I wrote a short post last week about harm reduction principles for digital accessibility practitioners. It's a distillation of one of the more actionable parts of my talk at axe-con delivered earlier this year.
People seemed to respond to the talk favorably, and I think I'm finally at a place where I can accept that for what it is. Yay growth!
How Flash games shaped the video game industry
This was a nice stroll down memory lane.
How Anime Fans Stumbled upon a Mathematical Proof
I 100% did not expect to see The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya showing up in Scientific American
Mouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream of a Silicon Reich
It is buck fucking wild that anyone takes Curtis Yarvin seriously, and yet here we are.
Natural Information Architecture
"Might natural information architecture be a spell to decipher and design our mental models to change our ways?"
AI is ‘beating’ humans at empathy and creativity. But these games are rigged
"Tests of AI empathy typically don’t compare a chatbot’s cold comfort with the kind of socially embedded care that truly nourishes us. If they did, the chatbots would lose."
We…need worldbuilding?
Had me at the title alone.
I outsourced my memory to an AI pin and all I got was fanfiction
Also had me at the title!
Design awards must evolve, or they will hold the industry back
I've long been allergic to the hypocrisy and misplaced values of most design awards. Would love to see more movement in this area to reward the right things.
Brain monitoring may be the future of work – how it’s used could improve employee performance or worsen discrimination
Cognition… does not work this way.
Nostalgia Ends Here: The 2000s Sucked, Actually
"Jingoistic patriotism. Xenophobia and othering. Crass consumerism. Cynical nihilism."
Magnet fishing is supposed to be a wholesome hobby. Why all the beef?
Mark McGeachin sounds like a hoot.
CSS Meets Voxel Art: Building a Rendering Engine with Stacked Grids
CSS continues to be cool as all hell.
Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need
Homelessness is a policy choice, and once that's more expensive than the alternative.
How To Build A Thousand-Year-Old Tree
"Vikki Bengtsson, a trailblazing arborist who taught Harris, marveled at how arborists who have spent their lives doctoring trees enthusiastically took to damaging them."
It is as if you were on your phone
Too real.
In Praise of Links
A webpage rollup about links presented in a newsletter rollup of links.
Is my “red” your “red”?: Evaluating structural correspondences between color similarity judgments using unsupervised alignment
Finally, an answer to the age-old stoner question.
Did you spot a fish? Press the Fish Doorbell!
Delivers what it promises.
$16B health dept managed finances with single Excel spreadsheet. It hasn’t gone well
Flattening the curve for the safety net, five years later
"To face the dangers of an uncertain world, we need more capacity in-house in government, not less. I am angry, still. There’s so much more that must be done."
Profanity Can Sometimes Be the Best Medicine, Increasing Pain Tolerance by ~33%
Fuckin' right it does.
Why Wet Feels Wet: Understanding the Illusion of Wetness
"Though it seems simple, feeling that something is wet is quite a feat because our skin does not have receptors that sense wetness."
This is just the start
This is the trial run for mass disappearances without due process.
Building Websites With LLMS
"And by LLMS I mean: (L)ots of (L)ittle ht(M)l page(S)."