[SC 2.4.4] Existential web browser compatibility woes
This week we have threatening fonts, early computer art, existential web browser compatibility woes, and more! Thanks for reading!
This blog is hosted on my Android phone
This is a cool idea. Your phone is basically a supercomputer that’s almost always on and connected to the internet.
Fonts with threatening auras
The Hunt for the Titanic Was Actually a Hunt for Lost U.S. Nuclear Submarines
Enough about Jack and the door, where is this movie already.
Gov. Bill Lee signs bill eliminating community oversight boards
Physicists Create Biggest-Ever Schrödinger’s Cat
Imagine my disappointment when, in fact, it was not a very large cat.
Watch Godzilla, Evangelion, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider Become the Ultimate Giant Robot
Hahahahaha, yesssssssss.
Early Computer Art in the 50’s & 60’s
Absolutely amazing work, and such creative ways to work with the limitations of the day.
Black holes might be defects in spacetime
I mean, who amongst us hasn’t introduced a bug at runtime?
May Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Map
This is absolutely horrifying.
Orcas have sunk 3 boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same. But why?
Life finds a way.
On browser compatibility and support baselines
Sorry for the industrypost, but I don’t think Baseline is a good idea.
Big polluters’ share prices fall after climate lawsuits, study finds
This one Weird Trickâ„¢
Aspiring LinkedIn Influencer Praises Hitler As ‘Action Taker,’ Then Apologizes, Deletes Account
I’m sorry, what.
The Story Behind the Chicago Newspaper That Bought a Bar
Oh, to be a newspaper honeypot bar.