your words count for me
Hey lovely people
This morning I'm asking straight out - would you recommend my courses and my work to others?
I got this in an email from a former student, last week.
"Wanted to let you know that
I’m still very regularly meditating and normally use your guided recordings.
Meditation has become a huge part of my life."
This was so beautiful to read and it motivates me to work with more people. Reading these words shows me I am doing something of value for others' well being and I feel great about that.
Your words make a big difference to how I work in the world. In many ways I'm just beginning and I am under no illusion that developing a new 'thing' takes time. I am, however, entirely committed to the path of helping people have more satisfying, peaceful and connected lives, through exploring their own inner states more deeply and without fear, in a world that is always - and will always be - filled with uncertainty and unexpected challenges.
So I'm asking you, who I've already worked with to please recommend me as a mindfulness teacher or guide. Please share the work I do with those you love, with someone you think would benefit from a mindfulness course or someone who's been talking about needing a deeper connection with the natural world. It could be anywhere in the world because I work online. I have 2 online courses coming up, so they can be accessed from anywhere.
If you enjoy my writing, my ideas and my sharings, please consider working with me - together we could bring about some shifts in both our perspectives and every day experience - that's the beauty of all the work I do. I learn from every course I run and it is inevitable that through putting yourself in the space of deepening your connection with the natural world and with your own every day experience, you will begin to see the world differently. Learn to meditate, it's is such a powerful and supportive skill and I teach it in a kind and very supportive way over 8 weeks.
Please share my work
mindfulness teaching
deep nature work
Feedback and reviews for both and
To finish, I've been exploring the world of ADD or ADHD, getting deeper into self compassion and learning more deeply about integrating family experiences from my formative years. A book that has come my way is Gabor Mate's Scattered Minds, a book which has brought the importance of family, development and being in the moment right slap bang into my consciousness, like nothing else has. Through reading this book I am beginning to come to terms with my own relationship with ADD and how it has, and continues to shape my life - we are always learning! This is opening a rich seam for me which will be explored deeply. I recommend this book to anyone who feels they might have ADD. I now see that what can be called ADD is one of the main reasons I learned mindfulness, sat in the woods and on mountains for days on end, slept out in the hills, walked hundreds of miles, wrote a book and have an insatiable appetite for "inner exploration" and now teach and guide all of this stuff! Together these things have brought the many deepening and coping strategies into my life that help me feel more connected and alive in my every day.
I wish you a good week, whatever that means for you
Share my stuff!! :-)