white it out
On the school run this morning it was snowing. 2 kids in the car as cotton wool fragments scattered. The air was full of them. There was a break in the clouds and the flakes became negative in the new light; black flumpy lumps, turning white as they drifted down. My daughter said 'look over there!' to where a slow mass of evenly spaced flakes uniformly moved against the black-hill background. Astounding to watch, the solid pattern repeated, then back to our road flakes, flying disorganised, dizzying, free. 'I love snow' she said as we got to higher ground, every field and fence flurried, caked dry stone walls, flaked in fake, fancy finery - fleeting and for that so much more beautiful.
Where freedom is in every moment, is not obvious. Sometimes we have to find it and that's ok. It's different for everyone but it is there for us all and it is there always. Sometimes it takes something different to wake us up from our routines, to see that every moment is beauty.
I work with people who want to find freedom and I'm happy to say that I'm more effective than I've ever been in assisting folk.
A friend and mentor, Jordan is setting me up as part of his charity so I can 'offcially' take donations from anyone who wants to support me to offer RRT sessions to members of my community who are in need and are struggling with their mental health and addiction, both for themselves and for the people they have to support, i.e. often partners and children. Have a look at Jordan's website to see more. This will be coming in the next month or so. See Institute for the Relief of Suffering for more details.
Have a lovely weekend