what's happening
How can I be ok right now? I ask myself that a lot.
Recently I've been listening to a lot of Eckhart Tolle and what he says makes a lot of sense to me.
Especially when it comes to being with what's happening.
We all live in a busy, crazy world, that's ever-changing and demanding. And we all know it of course. And it might never be any different for us. Okay?!
The reason I write this is because I'm practicing that thing of 'what's happening is all there is.' What does this mean?
I'm not saying that my life is particularly difficult but, like everyone's, it has its challenges. And it's up to me how big I make these things in my mind. The other day I spent over an hour trying to get my son down for his nap. I had a list of jobs to do (big mistake!) and was keen to catch up. He just wouldn't go to sleep, even with singing, changing his position, talking firmly to him - some of the tricks we parents often try, when it seems like you're stuck in an endless, inescapable moment.
Then it hit me - what's happening is all there is. I let go of my list of jobs, my bad attitude and did my best to enjoy what was in front of me. I surrendered to the moment, stopped suffering and committed myself fully to what was happening right in front of me.
There is no other way.
As soon as we resist, we're lost. As soon as we feel something is wrong, we're lost. Lost in thought, lost in resistance.
There is only this moment.
Nothing else.
So be with the sorrow, the pain, the joy and treat them all the same. Know you are perfect, that everything is perfect just the way it is. Perfection is everything. Wanting to change is being lost, being here right now IS the change we need, it has all the answers and will never let you down.
I hope there's something in there for you.
I'm somewhat in hibernation mode and not quite ready to put dates for this year's events on my site. It will be happening when the time is right. I am exited about the year ahead but this winter is helping me be the moment. I am ok with what's happening.
Take care