we change, we move in mystery
What is change?
This is a question I often ask myself. Maybe more to the point: How do we change? Or even: Do we change?
Lately I've started looking at change from a different perspective, from a place less of transformation and more of movement. We can spend a lot of time thinking about what we want to change and how to be different and make things in our lives different. This is fine, of course, but to my mind it often puts that change 'over there' somewhere. What about movement. Mycelial movement. What about moving through and into new things rather than the big "CHANGE!" we may be waiting on? Mycelium moves and consumes as it moves. It is always moving into new areas. Its body is the movement, it is completely within the movement. It exists to move into new space and is therefore embodying change.
Change can be like an anchor, something solid and static; a door where no door needs to be. So when I ask "Do we change?" I'm thinking that we move, like mycelium, into new places. In order to fulfill ourselves and our needs, we keep moving; to find new challenges, new ground, new food for our lives. When I resist movement I am stuck, decided, and that energy dies within me - the mycelial thread expires. When I am full of resistance I am not living, I'm not feeding myself or feeling progress. I start to eat myself - just like mycelium can.
Do we change or do we move? What do you feel about it?
Video chats - new course info
Here are a couple of links to some short vids I made in reference to the upcoming Meeting Your Nature course. People have been asking questions about it. I want to go deep with this course, to help you deepen your connection, open up to your intentions - to see what's calling you 'out there' in the natural world.
MYN 1 - YouTube
MYN 2 - YouTube
I am finding more and more nature curious people at the moment, wanting to explore connection, feeling a pull into something deeper but unaware of what that is, feeling that the mystery of who they are is somehow wrapped up in it. And it is! You are part of the mystery of nature! Why MYSTERY? Not just because it's a great word which points to something we can't answer (how frustrating, in these days of measurable results!) but because we need a certain amount of that in our lives in order to function. The balance of what we know and can't yet answer, the bottomless TV and the endless universe, the smartphone revolution and the infinite possibility of mind in connection with the unknown. Stuff we don't yet know. Mystery. Things we don't have words for, don't need words for. Feelings! Vibrations, cellular movements, magnetic energy, stuff that's all going on right now. Call it Mystery, call it The Spirit World. We are directly connected with all of it.
Explore this! https://endless-river.org/meeting-your-nature/
Next Mindfulness Training Course
I have decided to run a mindfulness course starting 31st October for 8 weeks, which bring us up to the 19th December, just in time for a mega mindful, magical, mysterious Christmas!
Mindfulness is a brilliant set of tools and techniques to help you get unstuck and move, like mycelium! Email me for more info. Or, loads more info here https://endless-river.org/mindfulness-training/
Also, maybe you could share this newsletter with someone you think might like it. There's a sign up link at the bottom as well. Cheers!
Take good care and have a brilliant week. Alan (or Al, even. Or maybe endless)